1. Answer key Convection

1. Where does the heat come from that drives this convection current in the mantle?

- The heat comes from the core of the earth where tiny nuclear explosions occur, that cause the fluids to heat which, in turn causes a convection current.

2. Where is the temperature of the mantle material greater, at point A of point B? Explain why.

- Point A because as it is closer to the source of heat, it is more heated and less dense which then causes I to move upwards.

3.Where is the density of thee material greater, at point B or point C?

- Point C

4. What causes the cell to turn left at point B?

- ?

5. What happens to the temperature and density of the material between points B and C?

- The temperature decreases which causes the density to increase.

6. What force causes the convection cell to turn down at point C?

- Gravity

7. What happens to the temperature and density of the material between points D and A?

-The temperature increases which causes the density to decrease.

8. What causes the convection cell to turn up at point A?

- It turns up because the fluid is hotter, which also means that it's density is less so it is lighter than the fluid above it so it rises to the top.

9. How do you think this convection cell might affect the crust material above it?

-Because it is continually going in a circular motion, it would move the crust inward or outward, causing separations of collisions of the crusts.