9. Unit

Primary Industries MC 3





» made in bangladesh

Chapter 5

» Farming

» Forestry


» City Project

2019 - 2020

See attachment for

The City Assignment / Presentation directions (City Project B)


Cities of Ontario


Wed. Nov. 20 - TEST on Chapter 4,5,6

Tuesday, Nov. 5 NOTES

Read 116-121

Do page 122 #1-6; 8-10

Monday, Nov. 4 NOTES

29) Permafrost brings separate challenges:

a) building – heats ground

b) infrastructure (roads, pipes) has to be above ground

c) no farming

30) what are some different ways to improve the land so farmers can grow more if the....

i) temp. is too cool --> greenhouse

ii) temp is too hot --> shade covers

iii) climate is too dry --> irrigation

iv) land is too wet à drainage

v) land is too hilly à paddies

vi) quality of the soil is poor --> add fertilizer

vii) late frost à fans, helicopter

31) intensive farming extensive (opposite)

i) small area, large area

ii) labour intensive, little labour

iii)local export

32) patterns and trends in farming (table 5-2 on page 110)

33) Forestry:

a) Old Growth Forest

i) only few patches left in Ontario;

ii) contain largest trees

iii) will have gaps (in canopy) where light penetrates

iv) high biodiversity

v) no cutting of trees for at least 350 yrs.

vi)pit and mounds bc of fallen trees

b) many parts of Boreal forest are clear-cut; only young trees remain

c) if a clearcut is replanted it will not be the same b/c

i) the trees are same age/size

ii) less biodiversity

d) benefit of large woodlot compared to small one:

i) inner forest has unique species of plants/trees/birds;

ii) cowbirds can't parasitize other birds' nests in center;

e) Carolinian Forest is found around Southern Ontario;. 40% of all species of Canada

Friday, Nov. 1

Do the assignment called 'Forestry' (see attachment).

Wednesday, Oct. 30

In groups of 3, students do the activity on page 110 and 111. Each student makes 3 of the 9 graphs. They work on the answers of the other questions together in class.

Monday, Oct. 28 and Tuesday, Oct. 29

What to know: What are some factors that determine where farms can succeed? What can be done to change those factors?

Read 106-109.

Do the first two pages of the Farming Handout (attached)



29) sustained yield management: managing renewable resources in such a way that they replace themselves at least as fast as we harvest them. E.g. soil, trees, fish, game. The opposite is mining a resource, which means using a renewable resource in an unsustainable way.

30) Farming. To calculate Growing Degree Days, take average of high and low of one day and subtract 6; then add GDD of all the days in season

31) 7 classes of land quality - class 1 is excellent and class 7 is useless (see p.107)

32) what are some different ways to improve the land so farmers can grow more if the....

i) temp. is too cool --> greenhouse

ii) temp is too hot --> shade

iii)climate is too dry --> irrigation

iv)land is too wet --> drainage

v) land is too hilly --> paddies

vi)quality of the soil is poor --> add fertilizer

33) intensive farming extensive (opposite)

i) small area, large area

ii) labour intensive, little labour

iii) local export

34) patterns and trends in farming (table 5-2 on page 110)


Wednesday, Oct. 23

Write short notes (point form is ok) on the point that you think are most important from these videos:

- Metal recycling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj4OFezTraA

- Aluminum recycling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXQc08D1lPk

- Airplane recycling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEPDgSUCVbw

- Plastic recycling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyF9MxlcItw

- China's horrendous recycling dump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHTWRYXy2gE

Thursday, Oct. 17

- Tree ID quiz https://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=ontario-tree-id-quiz

- complete description of 4 forest regions in notes; continue description of 2 more regions, Tundra and Grassland, using text on page 73, 76.

- do p77#1-6 (for answers also check notes) (out of 16);

- instead of #7, do this: a. pick one of the towns/cities in Canada that is found on the front insidecover of your textbook; b. using the maps in the first three chapters to DESCRIBE this town in terms of its climate, soil, landform, and vegetation (this should be in paragraph format)

Directions for Second Online ESRI lesson


Wed - Fri, Oct. 9-11, 2019

Here are the directions which takes you to a page that describes the lesson.

* Go to https://www.arcgis.com/home/signin.html and create a free public account for ArcGIS. You can use your Guido Gmail account to sign up.

* sign in on that same page once you have an account

* the page you first get to, keep that tab open with that introductory page available ; this is where you do your work.

* open another tab; go to https://learn.arcgis.com/en/ ; this is where the lesson is; this is where the directions are.

* half way down that page, click on Start Lesson under a blueish map that's entitled: Learn online mapmaking while preparing Houston for a hurricane.

* click on the blue button to Start a Lesson; at the bottom of that lesson (in the last sentence) is a place where it says "next lesson". Click on that to do the next lesson.

Friday Sept. 27, 2019

Copy these notes in your notebook:

20) Weathering: rocks breaking apart into smaller pieces of sediment. Agents: ice, water, wind, plant root acids, rain, (earthquakes and tsunamis)

Erosion: rock particles are moved by water, or wind to lower locations.

Deposition: dropping of layers of sand, silt, clay that can be cemented together to form sedimentary rocks (e.g. shale, sandstone)

21) Other rock groups: igneous rocks are made from magma/ molten rock - (e.g. granite); and metamorphic rock which through heat and pressure has been reshaped (e.g. marble, gneiss).

Complete the landform table on the back of your handout.

Thu. Sept. 26, 2019

Copy note 18, 19

Do the table on the back of the handout you got last (the one with the masked man). The table summarizes the landform regions of Canada. (Canadian Shield, Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowlands etc.)


Thu: notes on population growth, #61-63

Tue: Read pages 210-216, starting with the beginning of chapter 10 about Population. Do p. 216 #1-5 which includes making a 2-line line-graph. Answer the questions. This is due to be handed in on Friday unless other arrangements are made.

Tue. and Wed. May 21 and 22 - follow the directions on the uploaded document: City Project.

Fri. May 17 - complete the handout called "Made in Bangladesh" which involves three separate videos about location factors.

Wed and Thu. May 15,16 - page 198#1-4 (esp. Q 1 and 4 involve quite a few calculations; graph from Q1 can be colour coded and should be clearly labeled)

Friday, May 10 - p. 170. The three Sectors of the Economy. Doing #1-3 with the whole class. Each group takes one of the 7 Location Factors for Manufacturing and discusses it with another group. Both groups that are assigned each factor explain each factor to the class. If you were not here, read page 171-177. Do p. 180#5.

Thursday, May 9 - Read page 160-165 from textbook. Do page 166#1-4,6,7

Wednesday, May 8 - watch https://youtu.be/hinULt2pDlA about the Diavik Diamond mine construction.

Tuesday, May 7 - Read page 142, 143, 147 Do page 152#1-4. Read p. 154, 155 and study the diagrams on page 156,157.

Friday, May 10 - p. 170. The three Sectors of the Economy. Doing #1-3 with the whole class. Each group takes one of the 7 Location Factors for Manufacturing and discusses it with another group. Both groups that are assigned each factor explain each factor to the class. If you were not here, read page 171-177. Do p. 180#5.

Thursday, May 9 - Read page 160-165 from textbook. Do page 166#1-4,6,7

Wednesday, May 8 - watch https://youtu.be/hinULt2pDlA about the Diavik Diamond mine construction.

Tuesday, May 7 - Read page 142, 143, 147 Do page 152#1-4. Read p. 154, 155 and study the diagrams on page 156,157.

Friday April 26

Do the first 2 parts of the Review for Monday, April 29

Thursday April 25

Read p. 132 and 134.

Do p.131#1-4



Heads Up: TEST on chapter 4-6 is next week Wednesday.


April 9, 2019

On a large map of Canada, colour the climate regions similar to the map on page 64.

Label the regions according to the climate region names.

Go to page 63 in your textbook.

Do #1 and #2 of Apply It!

Glue the small graphs for each city close to the location of these cities on the map, but keep them out of the way as much as possible. Ask mr. van Barneveld for a copy of these graphs.

Do #3a-c. Indicate at least 2 differences between cities. Make the arrows point in only one direction; it's up to you which way.

Answer 3d and e.


Feb. 26, 2019

Here are the directions which takes you to a page that describes the lesson.

* Go to https://www.arcgis.com/home/signin.html and create a free public account for ArcGIS. You can use your Guido Gmail account to sign up.

* sign in on that same page once you have an account

* the page you first get to, keep that tab open with that introductory page available ; this is where you do your work.

* open another tab; go to https://learn.arcgis.com/en/ ; this is where the lesson is; this is where the directions are.

* half way down that page, click on Start Lesson under a blueish map that's entitled: Learn online mapmaking while preparing Houston for a hurricane.

* click on the blue button to Start a Lesson; at the bottom of that lesson (in the last sentence) is a place where it says "next lesson". Click on that to do the next lesson.

Feb. 21, 2019 - Do p.55#1-5