

FinTech, Investor Sophistication and Financial Portfolio Choices, with R. and L. Gambacorta, The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 2023

Non-Standard Errors, Finance crowd-analysis with many coauthors #FinCap, The Journal of Finance, 2024

Big Data and Firm Dynamics, with M. Farboodi, T. Philippon and L. Veldkamp, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 2019

The Economics of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, with T. Philippon, International Finance Review, Vol. 20, 2019

Macroprudential Policies to Mitigate Financial System Vulnerabilities, with S. Claessens and S. Ghosh, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2014

Does National Culture Affect Corporate Risk-Taking?, Journal of Cultural Economics, 2013

Work in progress

Financial Technology and the Inequality Gap  (Reject & Resubmit at top 3 finance journal)

Data Risk, Firm Growth and Innovation, with Orlando Gomes and Kumar Rishabh (submitted)

Household Belief Formation in Uncertain Times, with Luca Gemmi

The Value of Investor Trading Data: Evidence From an Experiment, with Francois Longin and Ziwei Zhao

The Economics of Data Privacy Laws, with Orlando Gomes, Kumar Rishabh and Georgii Zvonka

Other non-refereed publications

Policy work

(1) Inflation Expectations and Commodity Prices in the United States, with Oya Celasun and Lev Ratnovski, U.S. Article IV 2011, IMF Working Papers, 89/2012 

(2) Dealing With the Challenges of Macro-Financial Linkages in Emerging Markets, with Stijn Claessens and Swati Ghosh, World Bank Book, 2014

Resting papers

(3)  Consumer Privacy and the Value of Consumer Data, with Mehmet Canayaz and Ilja Kantorovitch

(4) Choosing Not to Pay: How Housing Amplified the Great Recession (MPhil thesis)