Roxana Mihet


In the world of finance, information is gold. The challenge is : how to prevent this resource from widening inequalities?

Our research at the AI & the Digital Economy Lab at the University of Lausanne lies at the intersection of macroeconomics, finance, and information economics.

My colleagues and I are working to identify how the information that investors, firms, and consumers choose to acquire affects their behaviour and economic choices. To be more precise, we analyze the impact of data on growth, inequality, and competition dynamics. Our research also includes analyzing the risks that AI, Fintech, and Big Data represent to the macroeconomy. This research has won various prizes, including the ECB Young Economists' Competition, the Cubist Strategies Prize for Outstanding Research at the WFA, and the Sandoz Foundation - Monique de Meuron Program Fellowship. 

We aim for a more balanced allocation of resources and sustainable economic system.

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Email: Roxana.Mihet 'at'

Phone: +41 21 692 36 74  

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