Current High School Students

Beginning February 5, counselors will meet individually with students during blocks 1 and 2 to review and complete student course selections for next year.  Appointment times are posted outside each academy office and in the main hallway.  

The course selection window is open from February 2-24. Students will be able to review, select, and post their course selections.

If parents have questions about their child's course selection, they should contact their child's counselor.

              Middle School Students

Counselors will be visiting the Nashua Middle Schools in early March to discuss the course selection process.

South will be hosting an 8th Grade Parent Night on Wednesday,  March 6 at 6 pm in the South Auditorium for families to learn about the high school curriculum and course selection.  We have added a link to the presentation below.

8th Grade Parent Night Presentation

The 8th-grade course selection window will run from March 11 - 15. Students should make their selections through the Aspen portal.  If students have questions, they should contact their current school counselor

**Students and parents from area private/charter schools are invited to attend the 8th grade parent night.   Please go to the Registration side tab for more information about registration and course selection.