Unit 3

Operations With Fractions

"In this unit, students will extend their knowledge of fractions and whole number operations to develop an understanding of multiplication and division of positive fractions and mixed numbers. They will begin by modeling fraction multiplication using manipulatives such as fraction strips, pattern blocks, number lines and area models. Through modeling students will generalize and apply a rule for multiplying fractions. Students will then explore division in a similar manner, beginning with modelling and moving to the symbolic level. Estimating with benchmarks of zero, one-half, and one whole is encouraged throughout the unit to help students determine the reasonableness of answers. Finally, students will consolidate the four operations with fractions by applying the order of operations. Whether purchasing floor covering or material for four bridesmaids’ dresses, modifying recipes, or figuring out the amount and size of lumber for a particular project, there are many daily experiences that require multiplication and division of fractions. Having a strong understanding of these concepts allow students to analyze, interpret, and solve such problems. It also provides the fundamental building blocks for future work with rational expressions, algebra and trigonometry." - Grade 8 Curriculum Guide

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Some videos and practice to keep you caught up from NL teachers? Here ya go! OR HERE!