Mr. Fry's Math


This is not a website designed to make money so there will not likely be any frills (unless I get really really bored). Hopefully everything math related, for Grades 7 and 8, that you are looking for is on this page somewhere. If it is not, let me know and I will do my best to get it on here. Also, I apologize for the very basic design and font, but the New Google Sites does not support those things... yet... When they update, I will try to make it prettier... or not.

If you are looking for extra practice or review, you can also check out the "Extra Help" link found in the Grade 7 Math or Grade 8 Math links to the top left corner. There is plenty!

If you have missed some time recently (or even today), then you made the right choice by coming here to stay on top of things so that you don't fall behind. I try (as do most teachers) to post all of our class notes in Google Classroom, as we are going through the unit, in a timely manner. For my students, there is already a partially-completed class set of notes that you may use in class. It may reduce the amount of writing you will have to do in class. I may add to (or remove from) these notes as we go. If there is anything you would like to see added here or any other comment, feel free to let me know ( ).

See the top left corner for access to all pages that are accessible from here. I hope you find this website VERY useful. Below is a link to the school Website. Or you can use the cool new button!

<School Website>