Grade 7 Exam Review

Here you will find items to assist in your preparation for your math exams. Studying for math is NOT about reading over notes and looking at the examples that we did already. Every example that we did in class is in your notes or on this website, BUT reading over those examples just proves that Mr. Fry knows how to do it. But he already passed math. So it is your turn now. Practice is the key! Below are links to pages that have review for Grade 7.

You can't do math unless you do math!

Below, you will find the files for Exam review. There are old Exams as well as a review sheet for each unit. If the answer key to each are not there yet, they will be soon. If they are not here soon enough, feel free to contact me. I may have time to look at it.... or not... ;) ( )

Some videos to help explain any topics in Grade 7!

OR in French?