Frequently Asked Questions

Certificate queries

GCP e-Learning certificates: how to access them

Please note your certificate will only be available if you have completed all of the required modules. 

Face to face or virtual session certificates

If you need a certificate for attendance at a face to face or virtual session, please contact your Local Learning Administrator

Date on certificate not updated

If the date on your certificate shows a date in the past, it is likely that you have completed a course you have previously taken, resulting in the certificate displaying the original completion date.


It is important that your certificate shows the date the training was originally completed for audit purposes, for example to enable you to demonstrate that you completed the course prior to joining a research study. 

If you have been asked to repeat training you have already done, we recommend that you discuss with your employer/study PI/CI what evidence you need to demonstrate that you have repeated the course.

How do I create an NIHR Learn account?

Please see the NIHR Learn Registration User Guide for details.

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) queries

How do I access GCP training?

Our GCP and other Research Delivery e-Learning is available on NIHR Learn.

How often do I need to complete GCP training?

How often you need to complete GCP training is decided by your Trust/employer, as the answer depends on the research you are involved in, and your previous experience. 

Please contact your local Research and Development Department or equivalent for further information about this. Generally training is required to be updated every two to three years, but the requirements do differ between different employers. 

Is the GCP course covered by ICH E6 (R2)? 

The NIHR Clinical Research Network GCP courses (Introduction, Consolidation and Refresher) are regularly updated and cover all recent updates to GCP guidelines and UK regulations.  This includes ICH E6R2.  

The NIHR (funded by the Department of Health and Social Care) works closely with the MHRA to ensure the materials best meet the needs of Principal Investigators and site based research delivery staff (especially those with delegated duties). The courses are also accredited by TransCelerate.

You can find more information about how the NIHR supports industry on the NIHR's website. 

Completing your eLearning & web browser information

Unable to move to next section when completing eLearning?

Course completed but percentage completion does not show 100%

Unfortunately some courses do not update as being 100% completed. If you have completed your course and accessed your certificate (if one is available - not all courses have certificates), you do not need to take any further action. 

Recommended web browsers

For the best experience while using NIHR Learn, you will need a modern web browser, such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari.  

Please do not use Internet Explorer, as this is no longer supported. 

NIHR Learn is a web-based platform which provides access to our learning. You access NIHR Learn via the internet using the web browser on your computer/device.  This means that you can access NIHR Learn from any location which is connected to the internet, including from your home.  

You can check that your system can run NIHR Learn by clicking here.

How do I update my email address?


Once your email address has been changed it will completely overwrite your old email address and you will only be able to log in to NIHR Learn using your new email address.

Email address changed and password forgotten

If you have forgotten your password and cannot login using your old email address, please contact the Service desk. Their contact details are: 


Tel: 0207 333 5894

Face to face/virtual session cancellations and queries

Please follow these steps to cancel a face to face/virtual session that you have booked

1.  Login to your NIHR Learn account

2.  Navigate to the course that you have booked via 'My courses' (2nd option in black band at top of the screen). OR, you can navigate to the course via the relevant Local Learning page.

3.  Once you have opened the relevant course page, you will be able to see the session that you have booked (see example image here)

4.  Select 'More info' (highlighted in example image)

5.  On the next page in the bottom left corner, you will see the option to cancel your booking


If you have any other queries about face to face or virtual sessions in your area, please contact your Local Administrator who will be able to help you. 

How do I update my name?

Certificates downloaded from NIHR Learn after your profile has been updated will show the new name.  

Enrolment Keys

ELearning enrolment keys for face to face or virtual training

Please contact your Local Learning Administrator who will be able to help you or provide the enrolment key, if required.

Profile page queries

Please make sure the information in 'Other fields' is updated in your profile, including the Primary Geographic Region (this is often missed). To add your Primary Geographic Region, click on the 'Select' button which will bring up a map of the UK. Then select your region. 

If you are unable to update your profile fields, please try using a different web browser ONLY for the purpose of completing the profile. We've been made aware that it can be problematic in some older browsers. Clearing your browser cache may also help to resolve this problem.

Associate Principal Investigator Scheme queries

Not yet enrolled

Please visit the Associate Principal Investigator website to find out how to get started on your application.   


If you have any questions about eligibility, how to begin your application, or anything else, please contact the Associate PI Scheme team directly, at

How do I access informed consent courses?

We offer a range of eLearning resources relating to Informed Consent on our GCP and other Research Delivery e-Learning page

Alternatively, you may be able to book onto a facilitated session hosted in your region by selecting your region from the Local Learning page. Each region has a page on NIHR Learn that provides details of the facilitated courses they offer.

Health Research Authority (HRA) training queries

Please contact the Health Research Authority training team using their email address

Nursing and Midwifery Principal Investigator Pipeline Programme (PIPP)  training queries

Accessing learning 

Please follow this link to access the NIHR Principal Investigator Pipeline Programme (PIPP) training.


Please contact the Nursing and Midwifery Principal Investigator Pipeline Programme Team using their email address 

If your query is not answered here, please contact us