Languages Offered

Languages by School

Interested in studying a particular language? See this document for a list of offerings organized by language or view the documents below.  To learn more about dual-language programs, go here

Schools and Languages

Wondering which of our schools teaches which language? See this document for a list of offerings, organized by school., or view the documents below.  To learn more about dual-language programs, go here

Which language is for me?

Go to this site to learn all about different languages that we offer. Choose a language to learn all about it.

Should I try to start languages in elementary school?

Here is a list of research-based reasons why learning a language as young as possible is best. We offer world languages starting in the lower grades at Obama, Jepson, East Rock, and King Robinson.

Go to this site to learn all about different languages that we offer. Choose a language to learn all about it.

Practice at Home

Check out this page for our favorite language links for studying online at home. Ask your teacher for more specific links. 

Looking for a college language program?

 Go here and click on the MLA Database to search.

NHPS World Languages Taught 2022.pdf
Schools and Languages Offered 2022-23.pdf