
Shield Volcano- Lava only-nonexplosive

Cinder Cone volcano-Pyroclastic materials only; explosive

Composite Volcano-Lava and pyroclastic material; explosive

Convergent boundary- tectonic plates move towards each other; the oceanic plate is subducted (goes below) the continental crust. oceanic plate is melted

Divergent boundary-tectonic plates move away; magna rises

Hot Spot-no tectonic plate boundary; volcano forms possibly due to weak crust or extra hot magma

Viscosity-slow moving liquid; a liguid's resistance to flow

Lava types-Block lava-lava cools in; pahehoe-slow lava wrinkles; Aa jagged surface; pillow lava-lave cools underwater

Pyroclastic material and types:molten rock that solidifies (hardens) as it travels through the air; Rock fragments created by explosive volcanic eruptions

    ~volcanic black

    ~Volcanic bombs


    ~Volcanic ash

Lava: molten rock on the earth's surface

Magma: molten rock beneath the earth's surface

Ring of Fire: 75% of the earth's volcanoes are found on the continents near the Pacific plate boundary