Bulldogs of Character

New London Bulldogs of Character Webpage

Self-DisciplineDo what you are supposed to do · Persevere: keep on trying! · Always do your best ·  Use self-control · Think before you act – consider the consequences · Be accountable for your choices

CaringBe kind · Be compassionate and show you care · Express gratitude · Forgive others · Help people in need

CooperationCooperative with members of a group or team to achieve a common goal or task    Be willing to help others when your group decides your idea is not what they want to do

RespectTreat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule · Be tolerant of differences · Use Good Manners, not bad language · Be considerate of the feelings of others · Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone · Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreement

ResponsibilitySense of duty or obligation of taking care of someone or something · Trustworthy · Reliable · Involving duties and obligations

DiversityAccepting and respecting others as they are · Celebrating that people are different · Showing positive support for everyone

FairnessPracticing justice, equity, and equality · Cooperating with one another · Recognizing the uniqueness and value of each individual within our diverse society

TrustworthinessBe honest · Don’t deceive, cheat or steal · Be reliable – do what you say you’ll do · Have the courage to do the right thing · Build a good reputation · Be loyal – stand by your family, friends and country

CitizenshipDo your share to make your school and community better · Cooperate · Stay informed · Be a good neighbor · Obey laws and rules · Respect authority · Protect the environment