River and ground Water

Meander-curve in river

Tributary-small rivers that join a main river

Floodplain-flat land that stretches on either side of a river, which may flood during heavy rain

Wetland-low-lying area saturated with water for a long enough period of time to support plant and animals

Young river-waterfall

Old river- lots of meanders

Erosion-removal and transport of material such as sane, stone, and soil

Deposition-when material such a sand and stone are dropped/settled

Delta-deposits of sand, soil and stone at the mouth of the river

Permeable-allows water to pass through

Drinking water-we get our drinking water from the ground

Storm Water Pollution: water that goes down the sewer is not cleaned; common storm water pollutants are: pet waste, litter, oil and fertilizer

Water Treatment Plants: Primary treatments are solids and oils are removed; secondary-bacteria and chlorine remove microscopic germs

Well-built dam: fish, flow though, no air pollution

Rachel Carson: research and wrote about the dangers of DDT

Conserve Water"Shorted showers, turn off water when brushing teeth

Caves: form wen groundwater erodes limestone

Sinkholes: ground water erodes limestone, ground above gives away

Bioaccumulation: As chemicals go through the food chain, the chemicals build-up in the top animals of the food chain.