Dual Credit

Due to FERPA laws (privacy), Nevada High School cannot obtain ANY college transcripts.  Students will have to request transcripts from the individual colleges who awarded the credit to be forwarded to the colleges they will be attending after graduation. 

The following courses can be taken at NHS for dual credit:

Crowder Dual Credit Classes

English IV- Honors-- English Comp 101, 102 (3 credits each)

English IV-AP-- English Literature 109 (3 credit hours)

Advanced American History--Hist 106, 107 (3 credits each)

Biology II--Biol 101 (4 credit hours)

Chemistry I- CHM 101 (4 credit hours)

Crowder Dual Enrollment Classes (facilitated by a NHS teacher)

College Algebra--Math 135 (Spring Semester- 3 credit hours)

Quantitative Reasoning- Math 125 (Spring Semester- 3 credit hours)

Missouri State Dual Credit Class

Human Anatomy & Physiology-- BMS 110/111 (4 credit hours)

Drury University

Introduction to Spanish- Spanish 101 (3 credit hours)

University of Central Missouri

Aviation Ground School- AVIA 1310 (4 credit hours)

The following courses can be taken at NRTC for dual credit:

Crowder Dual Credit Classes

Computer Applications- BSAD 125 (3 credit hours)

Missouri State Dual Credit Classes

Animal Science- AGS 101 (4 credit hours)

Ag Management & Economics- AGB 144 (4 credit hours)

Biotechnology—AGR 108 (1 credit hour)

Greenhouse Operations & Management—AGR 108 (2 credit hours)

Plant Science—AGP 103 (3 credit hours)

Food Science- AGR 108 (1 credit hour)

Early Childhood Careers II—CFD 160 (3 credit hours)

Wealth Management- FIN 150 (3 credit hours)

Principles of Marketing and Finance- MKT 150- (3 credit hours)

Health Science-- NURS 105 (3 credit hours)