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There currently exists many alternatives to petroleum and petroleum-based products. Many automobile producers are making electric or natural gas-powered cars. Several now have hybrid gas-electric cars that are marketed to general consumers. There also is a little-known alternative to diesel fuel called "bio-diesel", which is made out of used vegetable oil and can be burned in diesel cars and in home oil burners.

The Chevy Volt- An Electric powered automobile

Alternative energy sources for home heating and electricity generation exist, such as photovoltaic, passive solar, wind turbines, and renewable fuels such as wood pellets and corn. Choosing an electricity supplier that provides "green" alternatives would also help reducing the amount of energy used.Plastics can be made from substances other than oil - like corn or the hemp plant.

Energy use can be reduced by driving less, carpooling, turning down our thermostat, turning off lights when not in use, buying energy-efficient appliances, hanging laundry outside to dry, etc. food can be bought in bulk to reduce packaging, growing ones vegetables or buying them at a local farmer's market can reduce transportation, and buying organic food to reduce the amount of fertilizers and pesticides that are used.