Black/White and Poster Maps

Black and White Map;

The challenge of black and white maps is effectively communicating the message on the map. With color limitations, one needs to employ effective color publishing techniques so complex cartographic messages can be delivered clearly  Below is a map of the Great Smokey Mountains showing areas suitable for bear habitats and categorized into most favorable, favorable and least favorable  These locations were selected based on proximity analysis of certain environmental features such as streams, trails, vegetation type and slope.

(click to enlarge)

Map Design for Poster Presentation

Poster session are very common at public events such as professional meetings and conferences where topics are presented and discussed in an informal setting. The visual communication tool would be a technical poster which describes a specific scientific or technical issue. A technical poster combines maps, explanatory text and graphics such as charts and diagrams to aid convey its message. A successful poster design requires clear communication through all the elements of the poster. 

The poster below shows the value of agricultural products sold in North Carolina between 1978 and 2007. I have bar charts showing the size of harvested farmlands and another showing the amount of agricultural products sold in this period to help show a comparasim between farm size and amount of produce.

(click to enlarge)

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