A quick look into the TESOL life...

Student TESOL Organization

The Murray State Student TESOL Organization (MSU STO) is a student-run club to promote and organize social and professional events through the academic year. Visit their page on Facebook--you'll like it!

TESOL Organizations

Conventions Attended by MSU TESOL Faculty/Students

Here you will find a quick list of presentations that Murray State TESOL Faculty and Graduate Students have presented at recent TESOL conferences.

AAAL Dallas 2013


        Dr. Juyoung Song, Globalization and Teacher Identity: EFL Teachers' Perspectives on Study Abroad Returnees

        Dr. Saihua Xia & Zhiyong Zhu (Non-MSU), Acquired Greeting Routines and Emerging Social Stratification in a Changing Metropolitan Context: a Chinese Migrant Workers' Case

TESOL 2013 International Convention & English Language Expo


        Mustafa Hersi, Classroom Participation: Focusing on Sociocultural Factors

        Van Thanh Phan, The Personalization Effect in Multimedia Message Design on Native and Non-native Preservice ESL Teacher's Intercultural Competence

KYTESOL 2012, "WEAVING THE TAPESTRY: Integrating Language Skills, Standards and Assessment"


        Rusnadi Kasan & Isnain Dewi, Kentucky Culture from Indonesian Perspectives

        Dr. Mary Sue Sroda & Tuyen Do (Non-MSU), Web-based Teaching Tools Not Named "Google"

        Dilin Li & Junhao Zhu (Non-MSU), Obstacles Faced by Chinese Students about Learning English in American Universities

        Rusnadi Kasan, Teachers' Perceptions and Use of Types of Speaking Assessment Tasks

        Dr. Saihua Xia, Increase ESL Learners' Awareness of Questioning Strategies: An Intervention Study

        Xidang Lian, Using Language Games to Assess ESL/EFL Students

        Sung Jung, Relationship between Implicit Attitude and Language Teaching

        Basim Alamri, The Gap between ESL/EFL Teachers' Beliefs and Their Technology Use

        Abdullah R. Alfalagg, The Influence of Reading Strategies on Reading Comprehension for Academic Purposes

    Posters Presented:

        Mustafa Hersi

        Elham Dehghan