Policy 13 - VPN Policy

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for remote access Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections to the Murray State University network. Any questions or comments about this policy should be directed to Information Systems.

2.0 Scope

This policy applies to students, faculty, staff, or individuals external to MSU that utilize the Murray State University VPN.

3.0 Policy

Approved Murray State University employees and authorized third parties (customers, vendors, etc.) may use Murray State University's VPN, which is a "user managed" service. This means that the user is responsible for selecting an Internet Service Provider (ISP), coordinating installation, installing any required software, and paying associated fees.

Users must also abide by the following general guidelines, as well as the VPN Standards.

  • It is the responsibility of employees with VPN privileges to ensure that unauthorized users are not allowed access to Murray State University internal networks.
  • VPN gateways will be set up and managed by Murray State University networking staff.
  • Users of computers that are not Murray State University-owned equipment must configure the equipment to comply with Murray State University’s VPN and Network policies.
  • Only Information Systems-approved VPN clients may be used.

4.0 Enforcement

Anyone found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension of access to technology resources or termination of employment. Students may be referred to Student Affairs for discipline. A violation of this policy by a temporary worker, contractor or vendor may result in action up to and including termination of their contract or assignment with Murray State University.