2022 GI Punggol Waterway

Look at the image slider below which shows the images of Punggol Waterway in 2010 and 2020 captured by Google Earth. Move the slider and observe the changes of the environment. 

Find out more about the different stages of GI from the video below.

The Google Earth images are a form of secondary data.
What is a secondary data and how does that help you in your geographical investigation?

Our GI seeks to answer the following inquiry question:

“How do human activities impact water quality in Punggol Waterway?”

Data which is collected by you is primary data.  How does primary data help you in your geographical investigation?

One of the field sketches by the students - note the annotations which  the student has observed from the photograph of the field site. The students attached the softcopy of the annotated field sketch to the assignment in Google classroom using the new scanner feature.
The field sketch helps students record their observations of how human activities affect the waterway.
Recording observations made and annotating (making notes to explain) the field sketch is one way which students can collect data.

In the next lesson, students will be testing the quality of water at the various sites in their investigation of whether human activities have affected the water quality at the waterway.

Video on water testing https://sites.google.com/a/moe.edu.sg/sec-1-geog-2021/geographical-investigation/water-testing

Does the water quality varies along the investigation sites?
Visit this page again as the sites will be updated!