2021 Punggol Waterway Water GI

Look at the development of Punggol waterway from the Google Earth



Stage 1 Guiding Questions

Can you see how development has changed the environment in the area? How will the human activities affect the water quality in Punggol Waterway?

Stage 2 Collecting Data

Field sketch

Click on the images below for higher resolution photograph. Note the human activities or human features in the different parts of the photograph (background, middle ground and foreground) Do they have a positive or negative impact on the water quality of Punggol Waterway

Photographs taken by Mr Arman on 26 Jan 2021 at 2pm

Look at this board which explain what a bioretention swale is. You can see many of these along the river banks along the Punggol waterway.

Photograph taken by Mr Arman

Refer to the page on how to annotate on a field sketch from the photographs to show the impact of human activities on the quality of the water in the waterway here:


Water Testing

Students carried out the water testing of water collected at various points along the waterway.

The water test results are recorded on a Google form and the responses are collated on a spreadsheet.

Stage 3 Analysing data

The teachers transfered the data to present it in the table form. The students analyze the class and the level data.

As no water is drawn from Site D - E and F are renamed as Site D and E in subsequent analysis

Some responses captured in the Google Form

Stage 4 Drawing Conclusion

Using Google Earth to collect more data as evidence in presenting conclusion to GI. The students revisited the field sites using Google Earth. The picture and data collected from the water test is embedded in the Google Earth file. The students made observation of the environment using the 360 street view in the Google Earth and reflect on the data collected, The students collaborated in their group using Google Slides.

Rubrics for grading Slides on conclusion for GI

Stage 5 Reflecting and Taking Action

Rubrics for grading proposal for actions to be taken

Google Earth File attached below