
1.  Log onto your Khan Academy Account 

2.  Earn mastery points on Khan Academy  by completing the "Get Ready" course for the grade/course you will be entering in the fall.   Begin your journey by logging into one of the following:

3.  Download, make a copy and complete the Math Log and  share it with your classroom teacher when you return to school in August.

4.  When you return to school in August, add your classroom teacher as your coach so they can see all the great work you completed during the summer.

An hour a week is all it takes for your child to strengthen his/her math skills and prepare for the year ahead. 

For Students Entering AP Calculus or AP Statistics

FORAN Students:

Students will complete the "Get Ready for AP Calculus" course (first 6 sections) on Khan Academy.

Students will need to sign in to the classroom page through

  Calc AB - 8FZR7ATC 


LAW Students:

FORAN and LAW Students