Collection Development

What is Collection Development?

Collection development is the systematic assessment, selection, and deselection of library resources based on the goals of the library.

An excerpt from Diversity in Collection Development: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights:    

"A balanced collection reflects a diversity of materials, not an equality of numbers. Collection development responsibilities include selecting materials in the languages in common use in the community the library serves. Collection development and the selection of materials should be done according to professional standards and established selection and review procedures."

As a parent, you are your child's first teacher, and the best judge of what is appropriate for your own child based on your family's values and beliefs.  I work hard to build a collection that is appropriate in terms of the reading levels, and maturity levels of K-2 students, based on professional journal reviews and vendor resources, and in accordance with MGSD School Board policy. However, if your child brings home a book you prefer he or she not read, you are always welcome to send it back and we can exchange it, no specific reason is necessary.  If you would like me to personally help your student select something else, please feel free to ask!  Just send a note to me with your child and let the classroom teacher know you'd like them to go to the library to exchange the book.  You are also always welcome in my class if you'd prefer to select a book with your child. We have a large collection, so I am sure that we can work together to satisfy both child and parent! 

 Image from

If wish to review the MGSD School Board policies related to the selection of instructional materials and parental inspection of an objection to instructional materials.

Should you have an objection to a particular item in the school's library collection, please call me so we can meet and discuss your concerns. If we are still unable to resolve the issue to your satisfaction, you may ask for a formal request for reconsideration of instructional resources.