Happy last week of school!

I cannot believe this is my last newsletter to this wonderful class. Thank you so very much for such a wonderful year. I hope you have the most relaxing and restful summer. I feel privledged to be a part of your children's life this year. They are bound for great things! Please keep in touch. I am just an email away.


Megan L.

Here are our updates:

During SEL and Social Studies this week, first graders will reflect on their year. We will spend time this week celebrating growth! Ask your children about what was their favorite part of first grade and what makes them proud of themselves.  Thank you for all of your support with the curriculum this year (and everything else)! Happy Summer! 

Summer Reading: As the year comes to an end, please see the following links for information for summer reading and fun activities to do with your child.

1. Visit this website (from our school library team)

2. log into sora - every child will get a personalized log in letter with username & password sent home.

3. Step up to Second Grade Summer Bingo Board

All children can access Clever on ANY device that has a camera using their QR codes. Clever will give your child access to iReady and EPIC reading. QR codes will be sent home in in report card envelopes. The directions for how to get on Clever will be on the back of the Bingo boards sent home in report card envelopes

No new phonics or spelling words this week.

Have your child continue to search for heart words as they read throughout the summer.

Math: We will end our year with Lesson 34: Putting Shapes Together and Lesson 35: Understand Breaking Shapes Into Equal Parts. Students will divide circles, squares and rectangles into halves and fourths. Students will also work to put halves and fourths together to make whole circles, squares and rectangles. This will help prepare your child to work with fractions in later grades. Please see Ready Classroom Family Letter, page 816 for an At Home Activity to practice fractions. 

June 12: “Bouncing Into 2nd Grade”, 5:30 p.m., Memorial School Playground

June 16: Last day of school - 12:00 dismissal

Do you need access to a Chromebook?

If your child requires a Chromebook to use over the summer, please fill out this survey.

Stay up to date with our Specialist Teachers too! 

Science          Wellness       Art                                                  Library            Music