Hello everyone,

I hope you are having a good weekend. Report cards will go home on Wednesday. Please know that our report cards are standards based and many standards are worked on all year. Seeing a "B" during the first term means the child is beginning to understand and independently demonstrate knowledge of standard. On Student Responsibilities 3's mean that they are doing a good job with their responsibilities. I am happy to discuss the report cards if you have any questions or concerns. Please reach out and we can meet or talk on the phone. Have a happy vacation and holiday season. Thank you for all you do to support your first grader in Room 2. Below see the update for the week:


It is project week! We will be working on reading information texts about animals. With our information, we will write a persuasive letter to a zookeeper to explain why they should have a new animal included at the zoo. We will also learn the phonics pattern of long i. We will learn the soft sounds of c-/s/ and g-/j/. We will also review long vowel a and the sounds of aw and al.

Our new heart words are after, don’t, into, know, many.


This week in writing first graders will continue to practice spelling long a words and identifying the 4 types of sentences (imperative, declarative, interrogative and exclamatory.) They will also be applying all of their learning writing skills during reading when they work on their projects!


This week’s Lesson 13 is Totals Greater than 10. Your child will learn about using familiar addition strategies to work with numbers up to 20, such as doubles and making a ten to add two numbers. Look on the iReady Math Family letter, page 280, for a hands-on, at home activity . You might also use these conversation starters when your child is completing math homework,” What is the total?” “How did you get your answer?’ and “How did you solve the problem?” There will be no Lesson 13 quiz this week, Enjoy December break!

Social Studies:

This week in first grade Social Studies, first graders will continue to work on Goods and Services. We will learn about producers and consumers. We will also apply what we have been learning and create our own “mini Medway” mural showing goods and services available around our town.

Just a friendly reminder that students should complete an act of service at home by Monday 12/19.

Here is an extra copy of the letter that describes the project.

Important Dates

December 21- report cards go home in backpacks

December 23 - school pajama day

December 23 - half day*

December 24-January 2 - winter vacation

January 3 - school resumes

January 16 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - no school

* half days - school ends at 12:00pm

Stay up to date with our Specialist Teachers too!

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