
Making Memories

The memories that we make with our children are so very important. When you take the time to create a positive experience with your child, you are building trust, connection, and a bond that will result in them turning towards you. Memories help us create a sense of gratitude for the experiences we have had with one another and the life we get to live.

Although sometimes memories can be a negative thing, I am specifically speaking about doing things that help create memories that are cherished for your child. Think of some of the childhood memories you have that have molded your life into the person you have become as an adult. If things were not great, use those memories to decide how you want your child's life to be different. What will you do to help build a close relationship with your child? Will your child remember good times or bad times? The more often you choose to create positive moments and memories with your child, the closer you will become no matter what age.

Personal Story

The best year of my life was in 2019. I was very intentional about creating memories for my family. I decided that we would decorate the house in a specific country theme. Then once a month, we played games and ate food that was related to that specific country. All of those memories created throughout the year will be things our family will talk about for many years to come.

What are some things you can do to create memories?

  1. Family Meal time

Having a regularly scheduled time to connect as a family can be really important. It can be a time to check in about the day and discuss things you are grateful for experiencing during the day. When we talk about things that have happened during the day, it helps keep it fresh in our minds and we are better able to create a memory from it if we talk about it.

  1. Family Vacations

Family vacations do not have to be extravagant. Even if you don't have a lot of money to spend on a vacation, you can camp in your backyard. You can act as a tourist in your own town. There are so many options of vacations big or small. Choose something to do at least once a year that is different and stands out to your family that can help create memories.

  1. Family Traditions

Traditions can really help ignite those memories. What do you do every year for each holiday. Most traditions are about celebrating various holidays. The more often you do the same thing around the same time, the more likely that memory will stick.

  1. Have a Date night

This isn't just saying a date night between your and your significant other, but also with your own child. I think sometimes kids can feel that they aren't getting the same attention as a sibling might be getting, simply because it might not be what that child needs at that time. Creating a time where you choose to spend just one or two hours with your child to give them undivided attention and away from other distractions can also help create memories and increase that bond you have with them.

  1. Be a Kid Again

This means just be silly and have fun with your child. If you are both laughing, you will be bonding, connecting, and creating memories. However, you had fun as a kid, show your child that you use to be a kid too and can understand how to have fun with them. This allows them to see you in a different way. Let your child choose what interests them and then do that with them so they can see you care and are interested in who they are as a person.