Facilities Planning

Manchester School District is in the process of developing a long-term plan for district facilities. This page is a hub for information related to that process. This page will be updated as the process continues.

Below, you will find information on our request for qualifications/request for proposals for an architectural/engineering firm to assist with the long-term facilities planning process. Additionally, you will find key documents in our facilities planning process.

Request for Qualifications/Request for Proposals

In November, the District released a request for qualifications seeking an architectural/engineering firm to assist with the planning process. The District received three responses to the request for qualifications (RFQ); upon review by the Board of School Committee’s Finance and Facilities Committee, all three firms were deemed qualified and were then invited to respond to a request for proposals (RFP). Those three firms are:

On Thursday, January 5, the Finance and Facilities Committee met to formally open submissions to the request for proposals. All three firms listed above submitted responses to the request for proposals. The links for those responses are posted above.

Next steps: The Finance and Facilities Committee has scheduled interviews with the three firms that responded to the request for proposals. Those interviews will be held throughout the day on January 11. These interviews will not be open to the public.