Figure Drawing

ART 132 A, B, C & D

Beginning Figure Drawing I, ART 132 A

  • Course Outline

  • Syllabus (coming soon)

  • Introduction to the basic concepts of drawing the nude figure from life. Students develop a practical understanding of surface anatomy and proportions using a variety of media and techniques, acquire perceptual and critical thinking skills, and are introduced to the expressive potential of figurative drawing.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  1. Employ fundamental sighting and drawing methods to effectively draw the nude model from life.

  2. Integrate a range of drawing media to convincingly depict the body in space.

  3. Identify and represent major muscle groups and bone structures.

  4. Organize effective figure-ground compositions using visual principles of design.

  5. Identify basic historical, contemporary, and professional developments as they relate to figure drawing from diverse cultures.

  6. Evaluate and revise one's own work in response to feedback provided by the instructor and peers during discussions and critiques.

Intermediate Figure Drawing, ART 132 B

  • Course Outline

  • Syllabus (Coming Soon)

  • Building on the previously acquired basic knowledge of drawing the nude figure from life, intermediate students will further develop their understanding of concepts and techniques of figure drawing, continue with more in-depth study of anatomy and proportion, and start working with color and experimental mixed-media approaches.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  1. Use basic figure drawing approaches to create experimental and expressive drawings.

  2. Identify and demonstrate the expressive qualities of various drawing media while further expanding figure drawing skills.

  3. Integrate concepts of proportions, shape, plane, and value to organize figure studies into more complex and effective compositions.

  4. Identify and classify major muscle groups and bone structures while integrating this knowledge to drawing the figure from life.

  5. Apply basic color media techniques into figure studies.

  6. Analyze and evaluate own work and works of peers during group critiques.

Advanced Figure Drawing, ART 132 C

  • Course Outline

  • Syllabus (Coming Soon)

  • Building on a rigorous study of drawing the nude figure from life, students will focus on developing a self-directed creative process, leading to advanced-level exploration of contemporary art issues and media, while creating a series of related figurative compositions.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Integrate a variety of advanced drawing media and techniques to achieve thematic and expressive figurative compositions.

  2. Create a thematic series of figure drawings that emphasize coherence, critical thinking, and problem solving at an advanced level.

  3. Evaluate and revise one's own work in response to critiques.

  4. Identify historical, contemporary, and professional developments, trends, materials and approaches in figure drawing.

Figure Drawing Special Topics, ART 132 D

  • Course Outline

  • Syllabus (Coming Soon)

  • Students will integrate advanced figure drawing skills with a focus on special topics such as portraiture, narrative art, mixed media or figurative mural art to develop a personal and expressive body of artwork in a medium of their choice.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  1. Design a proposal for successfully completing a portfolio of drawings that meets artistic goals for creative growth.

  2. Relate advanced observational, expressive, and experimental figure drawing techniques to a medium of one's choice.

  3. Create a cohesive portfolio of drawings based on a predetermined special topic reflecting a personal and expressive approach to composition.

  4. Formulate a written artist statement that explains how the drawings relate to historical, contemporary, and professional developments in figure drawing and figurative art.