Monday - Friday:   7:30am-11:30am    |    12:30pm-4:30pm


Teacher Preparation Program: ON TRACK by 5 Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate Program

ON TRACK by 5 Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate Program- is a BESE approved program to provide a unified and comprehensive early childhood teacher preparation program focused on content knowledge and applied practice. This program is for lead teachers in Type III ELC that have less than 36 clock hours. Click Here for more information.

Click here to apply for the ON TRACK by 5 Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate Program

Program Staff

Shannon Bernard, Ed.D, CCR&R Supervisor

Katy Orgeron and Jennifer Cedillo, Infant/Toddler Instructors

Alicia Davis, Preschool Instructor

Curriculum Initiative


The Louisiana Department of Education has initiated a Curriculum Initiative to help Type III Early Learning Centers (ELC) purchase a Tier 1 Early Childhood Curriculum. ELC’ss can get reimbursed a portion, 80% of the cost of purchasing curricula (max reimbursement of $4000 per center).


Purchase Tier I Early Childhood Curriculum – Contact ON TRACK by 5 to assist you in reviewing the Guidance on selecting the right Tier I Early Childhood Curriculum for your ELC.  You can purchase an Infant/Toddler and/or PreK Tier I Tier I Early Childhood Curriculum kit from the list of approved curricula. KEEP INOVICE(S) AND DELIVERY RECEIPT(S).  You may purchase a maximum of two curriculum kits. This can be any combination of infant, infant/toddler, or PreK curriculum or two of the same curriculum.


Complete an application, assurances, implementation plans for each curriculum and provide all documentation including receipts for the purchased curriculum/packing list to ON TRACK by 5 Alliance. We will review you application and submit your documentation to Louisiana Department of Education (LDE) for reimbursement by the 15th of each month.

Once LDE approves the reimbursement for 80% (maximum $4,000) of the cost of the curriculum and sends the money to LPSS OTb5.  LPSS will write a check for the approved amount of the reimbursement.   This process could take up to two to three months to receive reimbursement.


Follow Up With Training And Curriculum Implementation - Participate in CURR 101 training on implementing a curriculum through our training calendar.  You will be required to provide updates and reports as requested by LDE


Train Your Teachers on Curriculum

Provide your teachers support and training on Tier 1 Early Childhood Curriculum for implementation.  OTb5’s TA Specialist can help you implement the curricula.  We have been trained in Tier 1curricula to support the instructional approaches and strategies found in the curriculum.


Enter Curriculum Information Into Teachings Strategies Gold® System – You will need to enter the Tier I Early Childhood Curriculum information into the appropriate field for all classrooms onto the Teaching Strategies GOLD website.