Monday - Friday:   7:30am-11:30am    |    12:30pm-4:30pm

Recent Policy Updates

In response to Act 3 (2012), the Louisiana Department of Education now hosts Early Learning Center Licensing, Child Care Assistance and other important child care systems.  For more information about Act 3 (2012) and Early Childhood in LA, visit  their Early Childhood Webpage at

Sign up for important email updates and press releases from LDE by registering HERE

In October of 2014, Child Care Licensing in Louisiana moved from the Department of Children and Family Services to the Department of Education. Effective July 1, 2015, Child Care providers in Louisiana are now classified by a Type I, II or III License and follow one set of licensing regulations found HERE

In addition, changes were made to Criminal Background Checks required for all staff of child care centers effective October 1, 2014. For more information, see the links below: