
To request a performance: Email

Performance fees not required; Donations gladly accepted. 

Year-long commitment. 

Open to 10th-12th grade students via audition.

The Crescendos are an advanced ensemble that focuses primarily on performing contemporary, pop/a cappella music. This ensemble meets during half of block 6 of the school day. Honoring commitments, time-management skills, reliability, and vocal independence are required skills for membership in this prestigious ensemble.  Due to the nature if its rehearsal schedule, preparation of work outside of rehearsal is regularly required. Concert sound check rehearsals and all performances are REQUIRED. Performance attire is collaboratively decided upon by the singers on a case-by-case basis and is typically something that most singers already have in their wardrobes. Any attire expense will be the sole responsibility of the student.

Please consider helping these awesome students raise money by registering your King Sooper's Loyalty card HERE.
It's FREE to do, it takes 30 seconds to complete, and doing so benefits students directly!
The AWVM code is PX157. Thank you for your consideration.