
Auditions are held each spring for the following school years' vocal music ensembles.

New to Arapahoe/Choir Student

If you are enrolling at Arapahoe from out-of-district, if you are transferring from another school, or if you're a current student at AHS but new to choir, contact Mr. Schjodt via the form below to schedule an audition. We ALWAYS, enthusiastically welcome new students to our program!

In-District 8th Grade Student

If you are a current 8th grade student at Newton, Euclid, or Powell, Mr. Schjodt will visit your choir class during the spring semester to talk about how to join AWVM. Or, you may also complete the audition form at any time.


If you are a current/returning AWVM student, you'll complete your C.A. sometime after the Cabaret. More into to follow.

Unsure What To Do?

Contact Mr. Schjodt via the form below. Include as much information as you can, enter "N/A" for anything unknown