Montag 20 April

Neuschwanstein Castle & Salzburg

Our breakfast is provided, and we depart for the Bavarian Alps, and our visit to Neuschwanstein Castle.

Lucy and Maddie here! We are currently on the bus on the way to Neuschwantstein Castle after a heart wrenching departure from the arthotel in Munich L. Yesterday was action packed and full of German fun. After a concert in a super cool modern church, we went out and had lunch and explored Munich for a few hours. Most of the shops were closed since it was Sunday but the sightseeing was still beautiful. From potato dumplings to coffee ice cream our taste buds were enthralled. After that we sang ABBAcapella for many unsuspecting onlookers by a fountain. Then we departed for the all girls German school where we made friends with the students and had a singing workshop with them. We then went out to dinner with some of the students and got to talk with them about their everyday life as a German teen. Finally, once we got back to the hotel some of us went back out with Mr. Fontes for some last minute German souvenir shopping in the underground train station. It was a busy, tiring day but a perfect way to kick off our fab journey in Bavaria. Pce n blessins Xoxo Lu and Maddog

Hello! This is T-pot and RiQ here. Munich has been €wag. Yesterday we bought delish basil mozz tomate sandwiches and picnicked in a meadow with Roh, Soph, and Lu and it was beaut. The city has a lot of trees and grass. We ate dinner with two German girls who were v nice and amaze at English. The Bavarian Cream dessert was delightful. Currently we are on a bus going to Nfalkoiewuidasfu castle and excited to see the German Landscape. S/O 2 our home dogs $anji and €-Masta. Signing off,

TTFN €€€

Wiener Schnitzel is not cheap you’d think it’d be cheap because it’s in every cartoon about Germany but it’s expensive so instead I got pork because we’re on a budget and it’d be foolish to spend so much money on the first day especially on food!!!!

AYY Cec and Roh here. First of all, we are very upset because other members of this fine group have been stealing our phrases that have been established as ours from the beginning. We would just like to clarify that us + t-pot = the big 3 and that peaaacceeeee and blessinzzzz is abs ours. Haha BUT anyways Munich has been amazing and we are so sad to leave, we wish we could stay here longer :( however the Neuschwantstein castle and Salzburg will probably be even more amazing so we are glad we have so much more to look forward to! Also we learned yesterday that even German girls love Zac Efron and hate Justin Bieber – some things are universal. One last thing- Yesterday we were sitting on the bus and Anthony was in front of us and his gum fell out of his mouth and onto our lap. Shame.


Yo Sydney and Emma currently on the bus going to the castle!! Yesterday morning we walked downstairs in our PJs and then realized that European people are a lot classier. They don’t eat breakfast in their PJs. It was really embarrassing. Don’t worry we went up and changed. Our shower in our hotel only had half of a door so the bathroom really flooded. But again don’t worry we cleaned it up. We went to the train station to buy souvenirs. We got some cool stuff for our siblings (mom don’t tell them.) We did some fun “flash mob” things with some of our repertoire!! We sang ABBA Capella in the town and so many people stopped to watch. Really cool!!!! Okay bye MISS YOU FAMILY!!

Its Sydney (again)!!!! Funny story about travelling to Munich. So when we were at JFK airport, everyone got two boarding passes. One for JFK to Amsterdam, and one for Amsterdam to Munich. Except for David and I. The flight was over booked so we were told to get our boarding pass in Amsterdam and hope that there was an open seat. So we got our boarding pass and our seats were on “Standby” so we almost got stuck in Amsterdam forever!!! So yeah thankfully we got seats and we made it to Munich safely. This story sounded a lot more interesting in my head.

At last night’s school exchange dinner, we tenors got some new phone numbers in our contacts. $ucce$$

Guten morgen! On the way to Cinderella’s castle!! Can’t wait to see the mountains..Yesterday we sang some pretty swag music in the church then we met a bunch of interesting girls at their school >(*,^)v

-Mike & Gracie

Hey this is Rico, last night I met the three loves my life in Munich. We had dinner and everything it was great. They refer to grades as “class” (ex. 10th class) and I think we should convert to that because its way cooler. We’re currently on our way to the Cinderella Castle and everyone the bus is pumped to go. Germany is a lot greener than back home and its giving me hope that when we get back there will be green green grass. See ya guys later!

- Rico & Amra

This trip has been a struggle for Larissa and I (michelle). Yesterday we put our valuable things in the hotel safe and we lOCKED IT IN AND COULDN’T OPEN IT! and then we got the hotel people to help us and then we LOCKED IT IN AGAIN AFTER THE HELFPFUL GUY LFET so we had to get a different dude-man to come later on in the day!!!!!! Also today we forgot to turn on the sounds in our alarm and we woke up late af. Also michelle’s leggings have a hole the size of Texas in them SHHHHHH don’t tell anyone! But it’s beautiful here and we are feeling at one with Mother Naturë. ILY all and gbless! Larz and Michelle ate mCdONALDS fo lunch eyyyy #swaggy #feelinathome –LARIZZLE AND MICHIZZLE $$)

We’re driving by some absolutely beautiful scenery right now!! We can see the Alps and everything is green and the houses all have cute red roofs and it’s so beautiful and Bavarian! I’m trying to sing songs from The Sound of Music but I don’t really remember enough of the words and Carli is laughing at my attempts. Yesterday, I met a really precious and cute 9th grader girl and she sat next to me when we were singing and at dinner too. She was very nice and said our German sounded good. This trip is so amazing. –Angelina

In the afternoon we depart by bus for Salzburg.

Chris - “It is currently 3:35-3:40 Germany time, and we had just gone to Neuschwanstein Castle. So far, I’ve had a great time! Sure I may not really love doing ‘touristy’ things like taking thousands of pictures, and I may not enjoy some of the local cuisine, but this trip is so great because I love to sing and be with some of my best friends! I especially enjoy the times when the two groups (Lyrics and I Cantori) just randomly sing on the streets and in restaurants. It’s been a real blast so far, and I can’t wait to see what awaits us in Salzbourg!”

SO, we’re driving to Salzburg now. We left the castle, tired and sweaty, but with a beautiful view in our minds. Who knew that our “treacherous” hike could bring us to such amazing views. Emma, Lucy, Grace, Sydney and I went to lunch together, and enjoyed schnitzel and spaetzel. We made our walk back down the mountain much easier by singing.- amazing isn’t it! Well it’s nap time! Love to the fam and the pup!


Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahhheahh~Dan


Michelle and I had to climb up a mountain and I finally realized how out of shape I am #asthma #inhalercameinhandy #swaggyyyyyy –Lar!ssa

Officially in love with Germany – the alps are incredible - RL

Though climbing to Ludwig’s Castle was a struggle, it was proved to be a beautiful, ornate gem carved into the mountain. The gilded artwork and stunning carved and fresco walls were unexpected luxuries to the gorgeous rolling green hills that shape the landscape surrounding it. This view of the Appalachian Mountains was a wonder I could never have imagined. –jeli

First off, to clarify, Dirty McRoot is a real rapper. Also, Lauren and Kelly are growing into a new rap sensation. They have found themselves here in Germany through rap and are planning on releasing their new single, “Saggy Swaggy” (in reference to saggy Laderhosen) soon. The two rap gods are enjoying returning to their kingdoms called Austria and Germany and wish their subjects good health as they bask in their presence. We visited a castle into which Lauren and Kelly will be moving for the summer. If you’re lucky we will consider inviting you over. J We will be starring in the next German Broadway version of “The Sound of Music” starring as Grass Blade on the Mountain #384 and the Gazebo featured in “16 going on 17”. We send love to our families as we journey into Salzburg to prepare for our strenuous roles.

I’m running off of 1.2 hours of sleep (completely my own fault- don’t feel bad), and despite my exhaustion, I’ve never wanted to stay up more. Everything here is so beautiful; it is just breathtaking (cliché, sorry). I walked into the first room of the Neuschwanstein Castle, and my eyes watered up. I also didn’t realize until I left that room that I had held my breath while standing in it. It was definitely worth the hike up there. I miss my family a lot, but I am so incredibly happy to be here. Lastly, WHO IN THE WORLD IS DIRTY MCROOT? That’s all folks. –CGC

What’s up! Greetings from Australia! There is a surprising amount of mountains and languages for such a desolate island here. Didn’t realize there were so many German immigrants! I didn’t expect it to be this beautiful down under, but hey, the world is incredible! See you when we get back on the other side of the equator bros!

We check into our hotel and dinner is provided.

Hotel Hofwirt

Schallmooser Hauptstraße 1

Salzburg, Austria

Phone +011 43 662 872 1720

Fax +011 43 662 881 48 499
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