
Welcome to the website and blog for Longmeadow Lyrics 2015 tour to Austria and Bavaria! We're excited to be able to visit the homeland of

Mozart, Brahms, Haydn, Schubert, Schumann, Lassus, Schein, Bruckner and so many other significant composers.

Prior to the tour, you'll find information about the itinerary and venues. Once the tour begins, we'll use this website to blog about our adventures. We'll upload pictures and recordings from each stop on the tour so our friends and families can travel with us vicariously!

Now that we're home from the tour, we've added a "Parent Testimonials" page. We hope this will help parents in years to come get a sense of the tour from parents' perspectives.

Note: We've shared all photos and videos publicly. Occasionally you may be required to get 'permission' to access content. We apologize for any glitches, and we will grant you the permission as soon as we are notified.

Here's a link to the Tour Resource Consultants website, and to the Lyrics Dossier.

For further information about our tour, contact Kayla Werlin at kwerlin@longmeadow.k12.ma.us.