Wednesday April 17

We spent most of yesterday at the Gresham’s School in Holt. The school was beautiful and we were all impressed by the various facilities and programs which we saw on our tour. Gresham’s choir was amazing and it was fascinating and exciting to perform with them. Afterwards, we actually got to talk to them for a while, which was a lot of fun and very interesting. Today we got up at 6:30 for our four-hour drive to Stratford-upon-Avon. Hope everyone is doing well in the Meadow. -John

Isn’t Johnny a tedious writer? You can find almost everything he just said right in the itinerary. I’d like to elaborate on what we learned when we were given the opportunity to talk to the Gresham students. Apparently one of their students is in the Junior RAF, and the students take part in weekly paint ball fights for combat training. Also there are palm trees in England. I don’t know how that’s relevant, but it kind of makes me want to live here, despite the poor weather (although there have been some gorgeous days during our stay). A quick salute to whoever’s reading this in “the Meadow” and to my parents in D.C. - NICHOLAS

Hi! Tempe and Anna C. here! Performing at Gresham’s School was one of the most incredible things we’ve ever done. The people were so friendly and welcoming. We even got invited to tea! Their campus is gorgeous. We have completely lucked out with the weather so far; it’s been beautiful! We are now on a long bus ride to Stratford-Upon-Avon. Later we are singing at Trinity Church. We are excited and tired, and don’t want this week to end!

P.S. On Sunday, we got a fabulous Nutella milkshake at an ice cream parlour at Harrod’s with Hannah and Rohini. We downed it in under a minute, and that accomplishment couldn’t go undocumented.

Hi everybody!

Yesterday we sang at the Prime Meridian Line and we visited Gresham’s School. The school was amazing and the grounds were beautiful. Soooooo nice. We went in the woods where they have this huge amphitheater which surprisingly sits over a thousand people! After a tour and meeting a few students, we rehearsed in the cathedral and then later had a concert with the Gresham’s students. Everyone was so welcoming and it was great to get to meet all the chorus kids. The concert went well too and the songs that we sung with the Gresham’s chorus sounded fantastic. I wish we could’ve stayed longer. Over the week we visited London with its amazing architecture, and along with many places we saw Westminster Abbey, soo breathtaking. So things have been great .The weather has been awesome. Like perfect. Over the last few days it couldn’t have been better,. Now we are driving to Stratford and Avon. Everything in England is just great. - Cecilia


Yesterday we sang at Gresham’s School, which was one of the most amazing experiences ever. We sang three pieces with their choir and we performed for each other. Singing Jerusalem together to finish the concerts was one of the most amazing things I have ever done in my life. I’m writing this from the coach, which is taking us to Stratford-Upon-Avon where we will be singing at the church where William Shakespeare is buried with his wife Anne Hathaway. More to come in the next couple days. - Andrew H

Today was a great day. Ali called me on the hotel phone to tell me that there were British boys playing soccer outside her window. So, it was necessary for us to take an adventure to talk to them. Sadly, they were behind some large bushes, and thus conversation was futile. And I was not feeling ambitious enough to challenge them with my fùtbol skills. Also, I would like to inform everyone that I am moving to Stratford with Anna C (there are some reasonably prices homes for sale in a very centralized, pleasantly pleasant location within the town limits.)

Hope your day is stupendous, - KC

This morning we traveled to Stratford upon Avon, home of William Shakespeare. We performed a concert at Holy Trinity Church where William Shakespeare was baptized and is buried alongside Anne Hathaway.