Sunday April 14

This morning we sang at morning service at St. Paul's Church, Covent Garden, followed by a concert. At the bottom of this page are some recordings of our performances. Since composer Thomas Arne's ashes are here, we thought it fitting to quickly learn his most famous composition.

Next we visited the Tower of London

Tonight a special pub dinner (and a rousing 'happy birthday' to Jimmy) before returning to our hotel.

Today we went and saw the famous Tower of London. Inside the tower we observed the Crown Jewels which are near breathtaking to say the least. From golden maces decorated uniquely per king dating back to before Charles the 1st to the royal candlestick that costs more than my house and could easily double as a spear/diamond encrusted battering ram.

It was a fantastic trip after our first performance at St. Paul's covent church (I think) and overall a great day. We were approached with many questions about where we were from and how London compares to Longmeadow and also many compliments on our performance. - Sebastian

Dear rini and tomah,

Thank you for your credit card we had a wonderful time making new purchases in England. I think I finally made my college decision while roaming London. I can't wait to tell you all about it and share it with the opster. Hugs and kisses to the kitties too. Love yaaaa bisous - spud

Hi mama and dad,

I have been dying to talk to you! We had an amazing day at the TOWER OF LONDON today!!! There is so much history and I learned about your murderous ancestors (who killed the Archbishop of Canterbury). learning about the royal family is amazing and the architecture is out of this world. Thank you for letting me come! Miss and love you both!! - Laura

PS You sent me to London with euros, and the currency here is pounds. LOL

Dear fam,

Hi it's Julia! I had so much fun learning about all of the history in England. I really enjoyed learning about the royal family and seeing their old rooms and chambers and dungeons. I also enjoyed attending mass this morning in the anglican church. Anyways, it was a beautiful day and I'm so happy that I am here and I have you guys to thank!! Love you!!