Monday April 15

Hey Hinmans,

First off, good job Mal on beating Midd can’t wait to see you guys take home the third NESCAC Championship. Yesterday was a great day. We started off with a church service at this beautiful church in Covent Garden right near the Royal Opera House (Billy). Today we are singing in Southwark Cathedral which is in southern London. More to come. - Andrew

I ordered poached eggs this morning at the hotel. I was very excited, poached eggs being my personal favorite breakfast food. However, when they were brought to me they tasted slightly of vinegar. I still ate them, but I wasn’t as happy about it as I would have been if they hadn’t tasted of vinegar. We also saw The Tower of London. - Hailey

Tappers Persovski family,

The places we have toured so far as been phenomenal. The food, much to my surprise, has also been very good. I had fish and chips for lunch yesterday and it was unbelievable. Hopefully I’ll come home with a few more lb.’s under my belt. Tell my drum set I miss it, Eric

This morning we started our sightseeing with the Churchill War Rooms, where in 1940, shortly after becoming Prime Minister, Churchill stood in the War Cabinet Room and declared, "This is the room from which I will direct the war."

After our visit we walked the short distance to Westminster Abbey. We had time to walk around, and many of us found familiar names among those who are buried there. Chaucer, Handel, Elgar and Vaughan Williams caught our attention, among others.

After our biggest performance, an hour long concert at Southwark Cathedral, which was GLORIOUS, we took a short walk to see the Globe Theatre. Then we bussed back to the hotel to leave our concert clothes. Almar treated us to tube tickets and we managed to keep everyone together for two stops to get to Harrod's, another uniquely London experience. Then a nice walk to the pub for dinner, and back to the hotel.

We were saddened to learn tonight about the explosions in Boston. We shared the news with the students at dinner, and all of us with connections touched base to be reassured of their safety.

In the morning, we'll pack everything on the bus and set off for Greenwich and then Holt.

To everyone,

Today was quite a grand day. Singing in a gothic-style cathedral was breathtaking. Seeing Westminster Abby was extraordinary. Unfortunately, our hotel is out of the Rocky Road sundae. It’s most likely the most heinous act one could experience. - Anthony

Today we went to Westminster Abbey and it was glorious. The architecture was amazing. After that we went to Harrod’s the biggest department store ever. I say the day was a success. - Evan

Dear son, (he’s my brother but I call him my son)

Today’s our last day in London, and I haven’t been able to get any soccer jerseys yet, so no promises if I can get you one. Westminster Abbey is so incredible, definitely the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. I almost bought a pair of 300 pound Prada sunglasses, but decided against it, just in case I decide to be a great sister and buy you gifts. You’re welcome. - KC

Today we went to Westminster Abbey and the Churchill War Rooms. Both places were fantastic. The War Rooms were very informative and perfectly preserved to their former state that existed in 1945. Westminster Abbey was spectacular. The architecture was fantastic and I wish the Unites States could compare to it. - Justin

Today was super duper fun because we went to the Westminster Abbey which was BEAUTIFUL and we also sang in another beautiful cathedral. Sarah says hi. We also learned a lot about Winston Churchill and world war 2 a lot in the war rooms. - Tempe

Hi all! I may or may not have gotten lost today at the Churchill War Rooms...but I found my bearings and all is well. I continue to be completely fascinated by the architecture. Westminster Abbey is so beautiful and it's unbelievable how much history is there! Performing in the Southward Cathedral was amazing. The sound was incredible. Can't wait to continue the week! - Anna C.

This afternoon we perform a concert at Southwark Cathedral.