Tuesday April 16

Gresham's has posted photos from our visit on their website. Here's the link:

Lyrics at Gresham's

Hey everybody! I’m in England having a great time! We are on our way out of London, and we just passed Olympic Stadium, which was super cool! It’s really neat to see all of the landmarks that I’ve always seen in photos. Yesterday we saw the building that got blown up in Skyfall, and then the Millennium Bridge, which I recognized immediately as the bridge that the Death Eaters destroy at the beginning of the sixth Harry Potter movie. I freaked out a little bit and took like 10 pictures. Now, we just visited the Prime Meridian! It was really cool to be in both hemispheres, and it’s funny because Mr. Dibbern mentioned that you could visit the Prime Meridian in England, at the very beginning of the year in our Astronomy class, but I had no idea we were going to go! Now we are on our way to Gresham’s School and I can’t wait to sing with the British choir! Hope all is well in Longmeadow! Hi, family! I miss everyone! Juliette, I’m very sorry that I forgot to pack you in my suitcase. (You could have fit, too.) See you all when I get back! - Meghan

Hi Mom, Dad, Alexandra, Tessie, or anyone else reading.

We are currently on the bus on the way out of London, which has been awesome. Over the past few days I have had fish and chips, seen Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, and the Churchill War Rooms. I’m pretty sure we’ve been here for the two nicest days in London’s history. Now we are on our way to Greshams School.

TTFN (Ta ta for now) - Tyler

Hi Family and others,

I have been working on my English accent…..God Save The Queen

PS: Winston Churchill was the man

Tata now, Zach C

Hello everyone!

Wowza its crazy to think that we’ve been here for three days already. We’ve done some sight seeing which is super impressive and I feel like I can ace AP European History now. Westminster Abbey was probably the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life. The acoustics of the churches we’ve sung in are so much fun to listen to, and all of our performances have been a success! I’m sad to be leaving London now, its such a beautiful city. But we’re off to Holt to sing again this afternoon. Our pit stop before leaving the city was the prime meridian. Singing in random places like that is always so much fun because people gather and record us and seem like they’re having so much fun listening to us. Anyways, sorry this is all over the place I’m currently trying to teach Manon how to solve a Rubix cube and she’s getting super frustrated with it. Don’t worry though, the young grasshopper will soon grasp the ways of the cube. Talk to y’all laters! - Liz

Hello family and friends!

England has been amazing, and we have gotten to sing pretty much everywhere, including the prime meridian today! Westminster was breathtaking and the acoustics in the cathedrals are unforgettable. Vegetarian options are limited but the food is pretty good over all. I’ve been picking up some new lingo here so don’t be frightened when I come back with a British accent! Say hi to Toku and Sebastian for me I miss my babies! Love you and hope all is well and you’ve been enjoying your time at home. Hope mom has gotten a lot of work done and dad had a good time in his meetings!

Cheers, Manon

p.s. I’m trying to figure out this Rubix cube… even though Liz seems to think I will grasp its inner workings I still find it to be an enigma.

Shalom friends!!!

England has been absolutely amazing so far. Our tour guides are hilarious and have actually taught us a lot about the city! London was beautiful; it’s very cultural which just adds to it. The shopping has been great too, of course. Westminster Abbey was like nothing I’ve seen, and the other churches we’ve sung in have sounded awesome. I’ve had a great time so far and can’t wait to see Holt! - Molly

Well everyone is writing the same thing so no need to repeat. Fish & Chips were awesome (Roy’s in Anguilla is still better) and got to go for a run this AM. The rugby pitches here put our pitch to shame. God Save the Queen -Luke

Best part of today? Our new bus driver. His name is Barrington. - KC

Hi everyone, having a great time with my fellow Lyrics people. The food’s not too bad, we’re all getting along fine. Love you Mom, Pop, Larissa and Lianna. - Chris

We drove by O2 Arena, Olympic Stadium, and a cyclist drove by us while we were driving in a tunnel. He has to be a professional. ‘Twas a good day for sports fans. Alex

This morning we checked out of our hotel and traveled to Greenwich, a World Heritage Site just outside the city. We sang informally at the Meridian line before continuing to the town of Holt for a rehearsal and performance at Gresham's. Our performance, with the students of Gresham's Schola Cantorum, was a part of the Familiar Fields Festival, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of composer Benjamin Britten. Dinner at Gresham's and overnight in Norwich.

You'll find out concert advertised in a special promotional brochure Gresham's has assembled in honor of Benjamin Britten:

Britten Centenary at Gresham's