Getting ready to go

1. Learn your music!

2. Learn Italian!

3. Investigate the wonderful cities, towns and sights on our itinerary. Click on the picture below and sign in as a guest to visit our destinations:

4. We'll be staying in two different hotels in Italy. Click on the pictures below to access their websites:

Domus Mariae Palazzo Carpegna Hotel

Hotel Stabia Castellammare

Here are some of the questions students have on their minds as we prepare for our trip:

- Do high school students in Italy like singing American music? Italian music?

- How welcoming are Italians?

- What is the best food to try in Italy?;chowhound_popup_intl

- What's a good place to eat in Rome? " " "

- What will the weather be like?

- How well will we be able to understand spoken and written Italian with some basic knowledge of the language?

- What does real Italian pizza taste like?

- What famous composers have visited places we will perform?

- What is the largest cathedral in Italy? Will we be singing there?

- Will we have to adjust our dynamics, tempi, etc., when singing in chapels, which are drastically different from the acoustics in our auditorium?

- Are we allowed to bring Italians to our rooms? NO.

- What is the conversion rate from US currency to Euros?

- How will the people react to us in their churches?

- What is gelato, exactly?

- Do Italians hate Americans?

- Do the women respond to pick-up lines?

- Do you need a license to play music on an Italian street corner?