Venerdí, il 25 Febbraio: Castellammare/Pompeii

This morning we visit the ancient world's most well-preserved city, Pompeii. At the foot of Mount Vesuvius lies the ancient Roman hub which is still yet 90% to be uncovered. After the tour, we return to our hotel for lunch.

At 5 pm we sing Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii, followed by a concert at the Town Hall.

Tonight a special farewell dinner at Ristorante Il Principe with cuisine dating from 2000 years ago.

We just got back to the hotel after a morning of exploring the ruins of Pompeii. It was cool to see just how much of the town was still standing after the volcano. After lunch at the hotel we will have a couple of hours for shopping and just hanging out, before we head back to Pompeii for our concert and “stone age” dinner. I’m not going to lie, I love everyone on this trip and I’ve had a fantastic time enjoying the sights and culture of Italy… but… I’m looking forward to coming home. Sometimes you don’t truly appreciate what you have until you have to go a week without it. My bed, for example! Working TV. (Naples and the surrounding area don’t have cable, they still use a roof top antenna!) I thought I would miss the English language but its fun playing charades with the venders; as we try to figure out what the other person is talking about with our broken Italian and their broken English. So all in all I’ve had a great time, I’ve taken lots of pictures and bought some really cool things to bring home. Though I’ve pretty much spent all my money (sorry mom, “When the Rome!”) the best thing I get to bring home are all the memories! Only a little longer. ~Emily B P.S I’ve gone the whole week without my cell phone (though I did manage to sneak a few calls home) and I’m sorry to say that I’ve succumbed to my generation stereotype. I can’t wait to touch down in JFK and be able to text again! ($5 says mom is rolling her eyes as she reads this!)

Hello everyone back home,

this week I had the amazing pleasure of getting to know 39 other wonderful people who make up the lyrics choir. I am so thankful to have had this once in a lifetime experience. This week, we have sung at the Vatican, performed with a fellow choir from Naples and toured the ruins of Pompeii. The members of this group are all beautiful and intelligent people and it was one of the greatest honors of my life to be able to travel with these people. Lyrics is an amazing group and I am so happy and thankful for this week in southern Italy. See you guys tomorrow!

*Stacy J