Domenica, il 20 Febbraio: Roma

After breakfast, a full day guided tour of Ancient Rome. The major archaeological sites are found along Via dei Fori Imperiali, which runs from Piazza Venezia to the Colosseum. On the north side lie Trajan's markets and the forums of emperors, and on the south side are the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill.

Perform during noon Mass at Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica, followed by a 40 minute concert.

Dinner tonight at a local restaurant and overnight at our hotel.

Yum actual breakfast! Not crappy airplane food! I welcome the smell of warm eggs and bacon, they even have apple juice and its the good stuff! Never thought I would be so happy to write about food. Got a rehearsal in a few minutes then off to the church for mass and more sight seeing around Roma. Going to get to walk around the Colosseum today too! Can't wait! Shout out to the family, lov ya ~Emily B.

They have pineapple juice! I am so pleased, highlight of the trip so far. - Sarah B


I got some well needed sleep! Wake up call was at 7 which was great, not too early, not too late. Yesterday I ordered my first Italian cappuccino yesterday! It was so delicious! I usually don't like coffee but this was amazing!! I plan on trying a latte today (Hannah got one yesterday and it looked really good). We are going to sing in our first church today!!!!! I'm so excited to hear how it sounds. Every where we go everyone knows we're American and we've already had a few Italian girls laugh at us because we are all dressed like it's spring while they're still in "winter" clothes but it's like 60 out. It's SO nice! We have rehearsal now before we go to the church!


The first full day in Roma

After getting some well needed sleep last night, we had an amazing day of performances and touring...not to mention the food. Our performance at Santa Maria Maggiore this morning was incredible. It is so refreshing to sing in a place with friendly acoustics (or acoustics at all). After our performance this afternoon, we went to lunch. The margherita pizza is wonderful. The tour of the Colosseum and historical Roma was great, it is truly amazing what the ancient Romans were able to accomplish. We were able to sing impromptu outside of the Town Hall and got a very warm reception, it was definitely one of the highlights for me so far. The dinner we had this evening was excellent, and I am very full. But it's how I'd like to end the day.


Real Italian Gelato tastes like:

  • Finding little blond jumping Italian boys we lovingly name Geppetto
  • Eating far too much for breakfast
  • Sleeping for more than 3 hours- and in a bed, too!
  • Tim's effortless photobombing
  • NOT falling on stairs because you're looking at a picture of the tenor section jumping... (coughCARLYcough)
  • Taking pictures of the Colosseum. From every possible angle.
  • Finding out that gingers actually exist. And in families!
  • Discovering what good acoustics really sound like
  • Moving statues
  • Dancing on rooftops
  • Seeing Mr. Lyon on an Italian ad
  • Learning the wrong way to parallel park
  • Writing church-appropriate Spiderman parodies
  • Eating delicious mushrooms for dinner.... Again!

Oh yeah... And Rome wasn't bad, either.


For all of my friends that are keeping up with this blog, if any of them are, I want them all to know that I have made Carolatté a reality and I have documented proof of it. Other than that we performed in the Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore during mass... not that it was a big deal or anything. Well okay I'm kidding it was absolutely amazing and beautiful and I can't wait for our other performances. I've come to realize that I love Europe. The cars here are incredibly tiny. They're the kinds of cars that, in America, we make fun of. Also their parking skills are laughable; today I saw a car that, rather than parallel parking, simply parked half on the curb and half on the road. As expected, Nutella is everywhere and today I had one in a crêpe. Naturally, it was delicious. Something else I've been really excited by is the fact that, in order to turn on the lights in our hotel room, we must leave our key card in a slot. This not only helps us remember our key because it's staring us in the face every time we walk out the door, but it guarantees that the lights will all go off when we leave the room. IT'S SO ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY I CAN'T STAND IT. Anyways, this has been an exceptionally long post and I still need to check my emails. I send all my love to my friends and family. I love and miss you madly.


- Caroline

Italian food is delicious. Gelato pizza and the like. The buildings and structures are mindblowing. Trying to contemplate their creation is fruitless. the guilded ceiling in the Santa Maria Majore was magnificent. Alleyways are narrow, smart cars are plentiful, and the smell is a mixture of smoke, and delciousness. Italians are very convincing, and love to try and entice passersbys into buying food. Mom, im trying to find a phone card, hope you check this. Hope that everyone viewing is doing (as the italians say) ...well. That was a joke. No but really, buono sera. Or something very close to that.
