TOPSPro Import

TopsPro Import

Clients who enter CASAS assessment records into TOPSPro may export those records and import them into LACES.  The TOPSPro Assessment Import was originally designed for those particular clients so the LACES import column headings matched the column headings exported from TOPSPro.  

Clients who do not export from TOPSPro but simply want to import CASAS assessments into LACES may use the "Generic Assessment Import" instead of creating an import file with the TOPSPro column headings, but either import may be used to import CASAS assessments. 

The TOPSPro Assessment Import may only be used at the local ABE or independent literacy agency.  

The import cannot be used at the state client SEA agency, however, ALL imports done at local ABE agencies display at the All System Tasks area at the SEA agency in state clients only.  

Getting started:

Typically the import file is created by exporting from TOPSPro, however, the user may create their own import file.

You may download the template here: TOPSPro Assessment Import Template.  This template only includes the required fields. 


Importing the file:

1. Sign into the agency.

2. Go to the All Assessments area. 

3. Click the down arrow on the More toolbar. 

4. Select "Import TOPS Pro Assessments" from the list. 

5. Click "Select Files" on the import window.

6. Locate the import file on your computer and click Open.

7. Click the Import button.  A message will display indicating that the import is queued. 

8. Go to the All System Tasks area to check the status of the import. 

The import cannot be undone once the import process is complete, so it is important to make sure your import file has the correct data.  Assessments imported in error must be manually deleted in the student record.

Last update:  4/17/2024