Generic Assessment Import

Users with the Agency Full Access role may import student assessment records into LACES via a "generic" assessment import.  This allows users to import assessments with different instruments/forms/levels on one import file for multiple students rather than entering the assessment records manually. This import is intended for state clients and independent literacy agencies who are not integrated with 3rd party assessment vendors.  Keep in mind that the number of assessment records you need to enter may determine whether or not you should import, since preparing the import file can be time consuming.  For example, it may be quicker to manually enter 20 assessment records than to prepare an import file. 

The import file must contain the following column headings and be saved as a .CSV file before importing.  Assessments are imported by Student ID. Student ID must be on the import file.

Generic Assessment Import Column Headings

Student ID

Student Unique ID

Assessed Date





Subtest Name or Measure





Additional Info:

Step 1:

Prepare the import file. 

You may download the  template here: Assessments Generic Import Template

If creating your own file:

If downloading the Assessments Generic Import Template:

Step 2:

Import the file.

Remember that only users with the role Agency Full Access will see the import on the MORE toolbar drop-down list. 


Step 3:

Check the status of the import at All System Tasks

Step 4:

Example import file

Last update:  3/14/2024