Class Attendance Hours Import

Class Attendance Hours Imports

Class Hours may be imported into LACES through the use of .csv files by using one of two available class imports:

All Agency Full Access users, as well as users with the Data Entry Clerk I,  Data Entry Clerk II, Teacher III, and Teacher IV roles may import class attendance hours. 

Import Class Hours Attended

To import class hours via this import:

Download the Student Export for Hours Entry report.  

The report will open and display the students who were enrolled in the class at any time during the time frame requested for the report.  For example, if the report is run for the month of July, students who did not enroll in the class until August will not display.  Students who were enrolled in the first part of July and then marked Left or Completed in the latter part of July would be included on the report.


Step 2:

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Blank lines may display on the spreadsheet file if the class enrollment spans multiple pages.  The blank lines do not affect the import.  However, if data is entered into any of the blank lines an error will display in the import file at the All Systems Tasks area referencing the rows in the spreadsheet.  All other rows entered correctly will import. 

Step 3:

Import Class Hours Attended Row Per Day

Import Class Hours Attended Row Per Day is a flexible import that allows you to import hours by matching both the Student and Class from multiple IDs, or using the ClassRegistrationID.  This flexibility makes it easy to import hours that may be tracked in a separate attendance system where the Class and Student IDs may not be LACES identifiers and a match by External ID is desired.  A file can also be easily created by exporting the Class Enrollment "Enrollment Info with IDs" View and filling in the attendance data.

To import class hours via this import:

Example import files:

 1. Notice that the Column name can be any of the acceptable alternative column names.  Just make sure for each row, that the enrollment can be uniquely identified by a Student and Class identifier, or the unique Class Registration ID.

2. Note that "Optional" columns do not need to be included in the file.

3.  Multiple rows for a student may be added to import different hours types. 

4. Once the file is created, save as a .CSV file. 

5. Go to the Class area.

6. Click More on the class toolbar.

7. Select Import Class Hours Attended Row Per Day.

8. Click Select Files and browse for the file you just saved with the attendance hours. 

9. Select the file and click Open.

10. Click Import.

11.  A message will display indicating that the import is queued.

12.  The import may be monitored at the All Systems Tasks area. 



Change the class enrollment view to Enrollment Info with IDs and export.  Use the exported file to create  your import file.


Last update: 6/14/2024