A Long Way Home

by Saroo Brierley

with Larry Buttrose

Lambi Judiai song/video

The class work instruction

Sydney Morning Herald (2012)

"Article about Saroo Brierly" Lion Sound Track from Long Way Home

Discussion for class groups

Watch "Chasing Childhood: analysis of future street children in Calcutta

Group #1- Video # part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=v5BT1PiprfU

1. What kind of home do you live in? Do you have your own room? Or share?

2. How many bathrooms? Do you have a yard or a condo space community yard?

3. How Much Food Do You Waste? Do you use fresh, frozen, canned or boxed food items?

4. How many meals do you eat each day? How often do you cook at home?

5. How much food do you waste each week? What could you do to avoid wasting food?

6. How can one person help to feed those who are hungry? Help provide shelter to street dwellers?

7. Find on internet how many toilets/sanitation exists for the current population? What is the method of choice for defecation for most Indians from 2010-2017?

Group#2- Video # part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ5HJwvmeZE

1. Who Raised You?

2. Who were the adults that most influenced your growing up?

3. What did they do to help shape your values?

4. How have you adopted their philosophies?

5. What will you do to carry on their legacy?

6. How do you communicate/ keep track of those family members?

7. Look up the ratio of cell phone users (including impoverished) in India; then look up cost of phones & service. How does that compare to USA/developed countries?