
Syllabus Signature

All students are required to complete signature form. By signing the form student and parent/guardian are acknowledging that they have read and understand the course content and expectations. There will be an in class quiz in our next class. Copy of the form attached.

Student Syllabus Signature Page

"If You Really Knew Me"

Using the colored cardstock handed out in class students please finish the prompt, “If you really knew me you would know ________________________________________.” The assignment can be typed, printed or written out. Students may also cut the paper to make it their own in any way that that wish! Names are not put on the responses, they are anonymous.

Students are asked to be thoughtful in responding to this prompt; thinking about “What is the most important thing that I would want others to know about me?”

Responses are posted on the bulletin board. Following this assignment, students were given ten minutes to look at all of the responses (in both 610 and 606) and to reflect on them. This activity was done SILENTLY so that they could really think about what students said. To wrap up this activity, have each student share one thing that they took away from this.

"If You Really Knew Me" Reflection Questions

Students reflect on their identities, complete the Social Identity Wheel and answer questions #1-5. This used as an introduction to privilege and microaggressions. After they have completed the wheel, share out to the class.

Daily Life Clock

Students use the clock to reflect on a typical school day, 24 hours. They use markers to show the different activities/behaviors which they participate. Once they have completed the clock, they use the information in the links below and reflect on the following questions:

What’s something you do to stay healthy; Physically, Socially, Mentally-Emotionally and Spiritually?

How does the behavior help maintain or improve your Physical, Social, Mental-Emotional and Spiritual Health?

Which dimension of health do you think is your weakest?

What is one thing that you could do to strengthen it?

Daily Life Clock

Daily Life Clock Sample

Dimensions of Health

How is your health reflection slides

Stress Management Plan

Students complete a stress management plan by describing 3 stressors they face in their lives and then suggesting negative and positive responses to each. Students should star or circle positive responses or stress-management technique they intend to try in response to one of their stressors in the future. Students use the positive responses to stress document below to help brainstorm stress-management techniques.

Positive Responses to Stress Document

Gender Violence: Sexual Assault with Jackson Katz

Students watched the following video and responded to the reflection questions. Discussions in class focused on bystander approach to violence prevention rather than looking at the situation as a “binary” (perpetrator and victim). Looking at the bystander: what do we do? How do we challenge? We need leadership training to do this. Silence = complicity; we need to break the silence.

Jackson Katz Reflection