LcTools Product Description

1. Introduction

LcTools is a Windows based set of applications for finding, recording, analyzing, and viewing signals in light curves for supported missions and associated high-level science products (HLSPs) at MAST. Supported missions include TESS, K2, and Kepler. Supported HLSPs include QLP, TESS-SPOC, and GSFC-ELEANOR-LITE for the TESS mission, K2SFF and EVEREST for the K2 mission, and KBONUS-BKG for the Kepler mission. 

The LcTools system consists of the following applications:

 detect, record, measure, display, and phase folds signals.

 to reports for mission based and community based signals.

See the following LcTools reseach papers for additional information:

A detailed description of the system is provided below.

2. LcViewer

2.1 Overview

LcViewer is a multi-purpose graphics based application designed for analyzing light curves. Using LcViewer, you are able to 1) build, view, edit, and detrend light curves, 2) detect, record, measure, display, query, locate, and phase fold signals, 3) import and display mission based and community based signals including TOIs, CTOIs, K2OIs, KOIs, and TCEs, 4) detect, record, and display TTVs, 5) display background flux, 6) measure time and flux intervals, and 7) query stellar properties. Both periodic and non-periodic signals are supported. Signals may be dips or peaks.

2.2 Opening a Light Curve

A light curve can be opened for a project using the dialog box below.

If the "Generate File From Time Series" option is selected, a second dialog box is opened for selecting the time series periods, cadence, flux type, data point quality filter, short cadence bin size, and filename of the light curve file to generate.

2.3 Work Group

A work group is a set of light curve files that can be viewed or analyzed in LcViewer. A work group is normally set up to vet the candidate signals and TTVs recorded by LcSignalFinder. See section 3 below for details.

Once a work group is set up using the dialog box below, files can be quickly loaded (opened) from the work group in sequential order by clicking the "Next" or "Prev" button at the bottom left corner of the Main Application Window (see section 2.4.1 below). This is a fast and efficient way to iterate though a large list of files.

2.4 Displaying a Light Curve

2.4.1 Main Application Window

The Main Application Window is used for viewing a light curve and its signals. Major components in the window are shown below.

When a light curve file is loaded, all associated signals and TTVs are imported from signal libraries and TTV libraries. Signals are color coded in the light curve for easy identification.

Via the window, you can perform the following operations:

2.4.2 Tracking Information Box

The Tracking Information Box shows the time, flux, timeseries period (sector/campaign/quarter), and signal at the cursor. Values are updated in real-time as the cursor is moved.

2.4.3 Making Measurements

Using the mouse, the time interval between two signals or locations in the light curve can be measured.

The flux interval, depth, and object size of a signal can also be measured.

2.4.4 Displaying Background Flux

Background flux can be displayed in red to indicate light scattering events. Such events may produce false positive candidate signals like that shown in white below.

2.5 Modifying a Light Curve

2.5.1 Detrending a Light Curve

A light curve can be detrended (flattened) to facilitate the seach for signals. The operation is controlled through an accompanying dialog box as shown below.

The green line represents the fitted trend line. The tighter the fit with the data points, the flatter the light curve will be after detrending. Via the dialog box, you can do the following:

The detrended light curve for this example is shown below:

2.5.2 Editing a Light Curve

Using the mouse, you can manually remove sections of a light curve. Normally, this is done to eliminate areas with poor quality prior to searching for signals. The edited light curve can optionally be saved to a file.

2.6 Signal Management

2.6.1 Recording a Signal

A candidate signal in a light curve can be recorded in a user defined signal library using the dialog box below.

2.6.2 Displaying Signal Properties

The properties for a defined signal in a light curve can be displayed via the dialog box below:

2.6.3 Phase Folding a Signal

A defined signal in a light curve can be phase folded in order to obtain the overall size and shape. An example is shown below.

The small grey dots represent the unbinned data points. The large green dots represent the binned data points. Via the dialog box, you can:

2.7 Finding Signals

2.7.1 Finding Transit Based Signals Using QuickFind or BLS

Transit based signals include planets, EBs, trojans, and moons. Before conducting an automated search for these signals, the search parameters must first be set up using the dialog box below. 

Via the dialog box, you can:

Upon completion of the search or when vetting the signals previously recorded by LcSignalFinder, the detected signals will be listed in an accompanying dialog box as shown below. The first signal in the list is selected by default. Each instance of the selected signal in the light curve is marked with a green rectangle for easy identification.

Via the dialog box you can do the following:

If the "Show TTV Diagram" button is clicked, the light curve will be replaced with a TTV diagram as shown in the example below.

Each TTV data point in the diagram shows the time difference in hours between the observed instance and the calculated instance in the light curve. If you double-click the mouse on an outlier in the diagram such as the one shown at 680 BKJD above, you will be returned to the regular light curve with the view centered at the corresponding calculated instance of the signal in the light curve. To resolve the outlier, you can use the mouse to manually align the green rectangle with the observed instance.

2.7.2 Finding Sinusoidal Signals with LombScargle

Sinusoidal signals include but are not limited to Cepheids (Type I and II), RR Lyrae, RV Tauri, Mira, Delta Scuti, roAp, and stellar rotation. Signals can be detected in the frequency range of 0.002 to 720 cycles per day (CPD) which corresponds to a period range of 2 minutes to 500 days. Before conducting an automated search for these signals, the search parameters must first be set up using the dialog box below.

Via the dialog box, you can specify the target signal properties including the maximum number of signals to find in the light curve, minimum signal-to-noise ratio, minimum power level, and the frequency range.

Upon completion of the search or when vetting the signals previously recorded by LcSignalFinder, the detected signals will be listed in an accompanying dialog box as shown below. The first signal in the list is selected by default. Each instance (cycle) of the selected signal in the light curve is marked with a green rectangle for easy identification.

Via the dialog box you can do the following:

If the "Show Periodogram" button is clicked, the light curve will be replaced with a LombScargle periodogram as shown in the example below.

Each peak (signal) detected by LombScargle is plotted as a data point in the periodogram, where the x-coordinate is the frequency and the y-coordinate is the power level. Up to 500 signals are plotted. If you double-click the mouse on a data point, the regular light curve will be restored, the associated signal will be selected in the list box, and selected signal displayed in the light curve.

2.8 Displaying Stellar Properties

Stellar properties for the current light curve can be displayed via the dialog box below.

3. LcSignalFinder

LcSignalFinder detects and records candidate signals and associated TTVs found in a large set of light curve files. Signals may be periodic or non-periodic, dips or peaks. A sample application window is shown below:

Via the application window you can:

Upon completion of the job, the signals and TTVs recorded by LcSignalFinder must be vetted using LcViewer.

4. LcGenerator

LcGenerator builds light curve files in bulk for subsequent use with LcViewer and LcSignalFinder. A sample application window is shown below:

Via the application window, you can:

5. LcReporter

LcReporter creates Excel reports for signals recorded by LcSignalFinder and LcViewer in addition to reports for mission based and community based signals including TOIs, CTOIs, K2OIs, and KOIs. A sample report for signals and associated TTVs recorded by LcSignalFinder is shown below.

6. Minimum Run-Time Requirements

7. Contact Information

To obtain this product for use or to learn more about it, please contact the LcTools author at


I wish to sincerely thank the following individuals for contributing to this product: