TESS ELEANOR Star List Files

Part I. Introduction

This document describes how to install a TESS ELEANOR star list file for a sector and then use it to build a light curve directory with LcGenerator. The star list files listed in Part II below only include stars that are not found under TESS QLP. These stars typically have magnitudes in the range 13.5-16.0, the dimmest set of stars observed by TESS.

In order to build a TESS ELEANOR light curve directory, LcTools V20.0 or higher must be used. If you have any questions, please contact the LcTools author at aschmitt@comcast.net.

Part II. Installing a TESS ELEANOR Star List File

1. If star list directory "<drive>:\Stars_TESS_ELEANOR" does not exist, create it. Any target drive can be used. For example, "C:\Stars_TESS_ELEANOR".

2. Using the table below, find the star list ZIP file you wish to access. Right-click on the file link and select “Open link in new window” from the pop-up menu. Move the window so you can still see these instructions.

                             Star List ZIP Files 

3. You will be taken to Google Drive on the Web. Click on the Download icon located in the top right corner of the page. The icon should look like this:

4. Once your Web browser has downloaded the ZIP file, click on the file to open it. Then extract (unzip) all the star list files into directory "<drive>:\Stars_TESS_ELEANOR". Note that each star list file in the directory contains up to 25,000 sequentially numbered star IDs for a part of a sector. Files have the name "Stars_S<xxx>_P<yyy>.txt" where <xxx> is the 3-digit sector number and <yyy> is the 3-digit part number within the sector.

Part III. Using LcGenerator to Build a TESS ELEANOR Light Curve Directory

1. Start LcGenerator.

2. In the "Lightcurve Directory" field, type in pathname "<drive>:\Lightcurves_TESS_ELEANOR_S<xxx>_P<yyy>" where <drive> is replaced with a target drive letter, <xxx> is replaced with a 3-digit 0 padded sector number and <yyy> is replaced with a 3-digit 0 padded part number. For example, "C:\Lightcurves_TESS_ELEANOR_S001_P001".

3. In the Project field, select TESS_ELEANOR from the drop-down list.

4. Under the "Star List File" field, click the Select button. In the subsequent dialog box, navigate to directory "<drive>:\Stars_TESS_ELEANOR" and select star list file "Stars_S<xxx>_P<yyy>.txt". The sector and part numbers in the star list file must match the sector and part numbers in the light curve directory. For example, "Stars_S001_P001.txt".

5. In the Periods group box, click the Select radio button then type in the target sector number. The sector number must match the sector number in the light curve directory and star list file excluding the leading "0"s. For example, "1".

6. Select an applicable flux type (PDCSAP or SAP). PDCSAP is the default.

7. Select an applicable quality filter. The third button is strongly recommended.

8. Click the "Start Job" button to begin building light curve files in the specified directory. A sample LcGenerator window is shown below:

See the "LcGenerator User Guide" for details. The document can be opened within LcGenerator by selecting "Help→User Guide" from the menu bar.

9. While the job is executing, you can use LcViewer to view the light curve files built thus far by LcGenerator. See section "Using Work Groups" in the "LcViewer User Guide". The document can be opened within LcViewer by selecting "Help→User Guide" from the menu bar.