Kepler Light Curve Directories

Part I. Introduction

This document describes how to install a Kepler light curve directory and then set it up for use with LcSignalFinder and LcViewer. The source data for the directories listed on this page was obtained from MAST. If you have any questions, please contact the LcTools author at

Part II. Installing a Kepler Light Curve Directory

1. Using the table below, find the light curve directory you wish to access. Right-click on the link to the ZIP file and select “Open link in new window” from the pop-up menu. Move the window so you can still see these instructions.

Available Kepler Light Curve Directories

2. You will be taken to Google Drive on the Web. Click on the Download icon located in the top right corner of the page. The icon should look like this:

3. Once your Web browser has downloaded the ZIP file, click on the file to open it. Then extract (unzip) the light curve directory to your target drive. Any drive can be used.

NOTE: It is important that everything in the directory be extracted including the subdirectories. Otherwise, LcViewer will not function properly.

Part III. Using LcSignalFinder to Automatically Find Signals in the Directory

If you do not wish to automatically find signals in the light curve directory that you installed, proceed to part IV below. Otherwise, do the following:

1. Start LcSignalFinder.

2. In the "Lightcurve Directory" field, click the drop-down button then select the directory that you installed. If the directory does not appear in the list, click the "Browse" button and then navigate to the directory. All the light curve files found in the directory will then be selected by default similar to the example below:

3. Modify the settings on the right side of the window as desired. See section 4.2 in the "LcSignalFinder User Guide" for details. The document can be opened within LcSignalFinder by selecting "Help→User Guide" from the menu bar.

4. Click the "Start Job" button to begin searching for signals.

5. Monitor the "Job Status" box located at the bottom of the window. Once the "Signals Found" field is 1 or greater, you can use LcViewer to examine and vet the signals found thus far. It is not necessary to wait for the job to complete before launching LcViewer.

Part IV. Using LcViewer to View Light Curve Files & Vet the Signals Found by LcSignalFinder

1. Start LcViewer.

2. If the "Open Lightcurve" dialog box opens, click the Cancel button.

3. Select "File→Setup Work Group" from the menu bar. The "Setup Work Group" dialog box will open.

4. In the "Lightcurve Directory" field, click the drop-down button then select the directory that you installed. If the directory does not appear in the list, click the "Browse" button and then navigate to the directory. All the light curve files found in the directory will then be selected by default similar to the example below:

5. If you wish to vet the signals found thus far by LcSignalFinder, click the "From LcSignalFinder" button. On the subsequent dialog box, click the OK button. All light curve files with signals from LcSignalFinder will be selected in the work group.

6. Click the OK button.

7. To view light curve files from the work group, use the Next and Prev buttons located at the bottom left corner of the LcViewer window (see the blue arrow below). If the buttons are not visible, select "File→Load Next Lightcurve" from the menu bar.

8. If you are vetting signals from LcSignalFinder, the "Find Signals" dialog box will also be opened. See section 10.3.2 in the "LcViewer User Guide" for details. The document can be opened within LcViewer by selecting "Help→User Guide" from the menu bar.