When you are absent...


Your Learning Log the first place you look to see what you missed on the day(s) you were not in class- whether you are not at school or not in class for a school related activity.

Any day you are absent, your seat partner will record the Learning Goals for the day onto your Learning Log and the Homework in the “What I learned…” box. S/he will also staple any materials distributed that day to your Learning Log.

When you return to class:

- Look at the Learning Goals for any homework checked/collected the day you were out. Come turn it in to me during Homeroom or after school so that I can check the work and get the grade updated! I don't do this during class, as we are usually quite busy with new things to do! Plus, when you come to me individually, I can work with you much more easily and quickly to get things straightened out.

- Look at the homework to see what work you need to make up. Make it up and then come turn it in to me.

- If you have further questions or need specific instructions in order to do the work, come see me!

You have one week to turn in any work missed while absent.

After one week, any work from when you were absent that you have not turned in will become permanent 0’s.

If you were out for an extended period of time, we will work together to create an individual plan to list what assignments you need to make up and which you do not.

If you need instruction on how to complete the work, YOU must come see me during Homeroom or after school. I will not chase you down.

Absent work is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. You now manage your work. Write down make-up work that you need to do in your planner, and make sure to turn it in!