Grading Scale

A = 90 – 100%

B = 80 – 89%

C = 70 – 79%

D = 60 – 69%

F = Below 60%

For each progress report and final semester marks, if you have 10%+ assignments missing, you will receive a “U” in Work Habits.

- Keep in mind! Both Work Habits and Cooperation marks are counted towards CULMINATION.

Grades are a result of:

First Semester:

  • 45%: Classwork and homework
  • 25%: Learning Logs (weekly class grade)
  • 15%: Reading Logs
  • 15%: Summary Logs

Second Semester:

  • 17%: Classwork and homework
  • 45%: Novel Study
  • 8%: Novel Essay
  • 25%: Learning Logs (weekly class grade)

Towards the beginning of the semester, one or two grades can affect the overall grade significantly (either positively or negatively). As time goes on, each grade’s individual weight diminishes. Please don’t panic if your grade is hit hard within the first month or so of each semester. More and more grades will accumulate, making each individual score count less. It can be a shock to the system, but if your work is overall consistent and completed, your grade will rebound soon!

ANDDDDD! Each semester, I drop the lowest grade from EACH category! So it’s like a little “freebie” if you forget your homework or don’t get it done for whatever reason!


Each semester, I give a few extra credit assignments to supplement the work already assigned for the class. But theses extra credit assignments also take work- so my suggestion is to get the regular work done for the class first, and then the Extra Credit.

On a regular basis I do reward extra points on assignments for working above and beyond what is offered in the class.

For example, on Learning Logs, you can earn extra points when you earn your Friday star. I also give extra credit for reading extra pages above the minimum amount required each week. There will be other opportunities for bonus points throughout the semester too!

On the Reading Logs, if you read pages beyond the minimum required, at the end of the semester, we total them up, and I award you extra credit!